


  Circa. 145,201, the "Sentient Autoconceptual Inhalant Lexicon" was created by the Merriam-Webster dictionary. This revolutionary technology allowed users to directly inhale nebulae of conceptual energy, instantly conjuring a visceral image to their minds eye.   However, its "unintended persuasive side-effects on involuntary participants" soon transformed Merriam-Webster into the 2nd largest arms manufacturer. It's name striking fear in the hearts of anyone who dares stand in their way. The early prototype "οωσ" was deemed "too receptive of users requests". Not suitable as weaponry, he was stuffed into an office filing cabinet and forgotten about. Eager to achieve his life mission of helping others, when the Future Club called, he burned the entire laboratory down and went to sign up.  


  Merriam-Webster is a gaseous form. It can hover and make its way through small cracks and closed windows with little effort. When he manages to get into an individual's system, Merriam-Webster can try and communicate concepts to them, essentially influencing their psyche.   It is very difficult to damage, although some plasma based weapons and specific flamethrowers have provided results.
Year of Birth


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