Monopoly Man/Ponopoly




Taking up the mantle

  At the turn of the millenia, the Monopoly Man realized he was owed a lot of money in rent on his various properties. Disappointed by the lack of results from his bailifs, he frequently sulked in his mansion, drinking expensive whiskey and staring out into the night.   One stormy night, a wild Top Hat crashed through his window. When the terror subsided, the Monopoly Man made a solemn vow.   "I swear by the spirits of the dollar, to avenge my debts and bring all my renters to justice"   The Monopoly Man then built himself a superhero suit, bulletproof and full of gadgets. Quickly baptised Ponopoly by the press, he began to track down his debtors.  

Future Club

  After some success recovering some of the money owed to him, he joined Future Club to use their resources to track down more of his debtors throughout Known Space.   

Corporate Interests

  Aside from a large real estate empire, the Monopoly Man has quite a varied portfolio. He owns 500.000 Likes' worth of shares in ARKORP, and runs Thimble Investments, a hedge fund where his smaller investments can fructify.
Aligned Organization


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