The Gang

The strange organisation known as "The Gang" is actually more of a found family, consisting of five members.   The Nightman, The Troll, The Dayman/The Golden God, Charles, DeeDee, hang out together at the same bar they co-own and run, and often unleash their shenanigans and underdevelopped plans upon the small planet.   Law enforcement on Philly, while corrupt and weak, is quite accustommed to having one or more of them in a jail cell every other night to sober up.  

Notable Events

In 200001, the Nightman returned to Philly and paid The Troll his toll, which granted him access to the Dayman's hole (soul?). The resulting conflict led to the Nightman taking the Dayman's title, powers and weapons. The defeated Dayman, no longer allowed to use that name, has begun to call himself "The Golden God".
Founding Date
Related Species


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