The Royal Farmlands of Sumner Geographic Location in Fyria | World Anvil

The Royal Farmlands of Sumner

Sumner is a city that houses over a million people, a million mouths to feed. An insatiable appetite for any nation no matter the circumstance. Surrounding the swelling borders of the Capital of Heldrin lies kilometres of farmlands, all working day in and day out to grow enough food to feed the people of the capital. Though it never seems to be enough. Despite this, hundreds of farmers toil, breaking the dirt and shedding sweat and tears in their neverending work. They will do this, no matter the turmoil, for it is their duty. Sworn to work the lands by the Kings of Heldrin for generations past. The land, though it will never truly be theirs, will continue to be cared for by them, and their children to come. For if they don't, they and their nation shall go unfed.


  These farmlands stretch on for hundreds of kilometres around the city of Sumner in central Heldrin. They run in every direction, stretching north towards the borders of Aldelgis, nearly touching the borders of Casarei and Keldavour in the south, almost reaching the rocky basin of the mountains surrounding High Kragg in the east, and coming within only a few days travel of Roseport in the west.   Many of the nations natural rivers flow through these farmlands, creating a rich environment for crops to grow. Though much of the natural flora has been cut away to leave space for rows upon rows of crops, the occasional Heldra flower pokes through, it's vibrant red and orange petals standing out amongst the hand sown produce.   A number of orchards and vineyards also share the same space as the common crop farms, though these are far fewer and are only tended to by those who have proven themselves by loyally serving the Royal Family for generations past. The crops that are grown in these orchards are typically reserved and shipped directly to the King's Castle for consumption by his family and the noble court, a rare crate may be sold on the black market for a hefty sum.  

Common Yields

  These lands are carefully curated and tended to by hundreds of farmers, who grow various crops in their fields. Each family having sworn their fealty and duty to the Ruler of Heldrin, King Thadeus Telvous VIII. Hundreds of crops are grown in these fields, though the most common and plentiful are wheat, barley, and hops. A staple used in across Heldrin and much of the western coast of Fyria. Other sections of the farm include hundreds of rows of vegetables, a common farm will plant hearty vegetables with large yields, including, carrots, turnips, beets, and a surprising variety of squash.

Who Tends these Farms?

  When new land is acquired for the Royal Farms, a common occurrence due to the growing needs of Sumner, the capital will begin its search for new tenants of the land. You see, it is actually a great privilege to be chosen to tend to the Royal Farms. Families gain extra support from the ruling class and gain a sizable increase of status amongst the Heldrin farming community. Knowing full well that their work is a necessity for the nation, farmers work their entire lives in the hopes of tending a farm on these lands.   As such, to determine who will tend these new lands, local families have to enter a draw. They do this by submitting a small fee along with proof of family line, for only Heldrin natives can work these farmlands, along with any potential criminal records any family members may have. City officials will then draw at random from a selection of families they feel would work the lands justly. Once the family has been selected they are then given the land, along with a small home, farm equipment, and seeds for their first year's crop. After that the family may tend to the farm as they see fit, they may even expand their home if they have the funds or time to do so. As long as they meet their monthly quotas the capital sees no harm and will not bother the farmers.   However, the penalties for not meeting ones monthly quotas are steep. Missing a month or two will incur the family heavy fines from the capital. The late fees being determined by individuals sent to each farm with the intention of collecting the needed crops. Some late fees become exorbitant, costing families hundreds of gold coins, some have even gone broke and have been forced to give up their lands. Bribery is common between farmers and these crop collectors due to this and has created a thriving criminal racket in the farmlands.
Alternative Name(s)
The Royal Farms
Location under
Owning Organization


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