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Jerebaism is the overarching name of all beliefs associated with Jereba and his teachings. The religion is divided into two main factions, Jereba’s Conviction and Jereba’s Church, who each have several sub-factions.  

Overarching believes

  Jerebaism is characterized by the belief that happiness as a society is obtained through the absence of pain or distress. The religion is based on two dogmas: the avoidance of pain and the healing of pain.  

The avoidance of pain

  The key to happiness as a person and as a society is through the avoidance of pain, both individually and collectively. How this avoidance should be achieved differs from person to person. On a societal level Jerebaism preaches the avoidance of pain through the introduction of structure and hierarchy.   Jerebaist societies believe strongly in order and that listening to a person higher in the hierarchy will bring order and thus happiness to society. The societal structure of Thryth is a clear example of this. Many nobles across Fyrra are fervent followers of Jerebaism, likely because the hierarchical structure of the religion benefits their own power over the general population.  

The healing of pain

  Healing brings relief from pain and distress. Consequently, healing magic is seen as the highest form of magic. Many Jerebaists study the art of healing and healers are regarded highly by the followers of Jerebaism. Jereba revolutionized the art of healing and the happiness it brought to the world is seen as one of the core reasons why Jarabaism is so wide-spread.   Healing itself is a bliss and should be practiced as much as possible. Paradoxically, many Jerebaists believe that in order to obtain the bliss of healing, the distress of pain is necessary. One can only appreciate healing and the absence of pain, after being confronted with it. Some believe that Jereba himself suffered greatly during his continuous healing and that this is a key aspect of reaching godhood.  

Views on ascension

  Jerebaists believe that ascension can be reached through discipline and the continuous absence or denial of pain. Jereba ascended after years of being healed and kept alive by his inner circle. Jerebaists believe that during that time, he found the meaning of ascension and how to obtain it as a society.  

Jereba’s Church

  Jereba’s Church is a variant of Jerebaism, where following the will of God Jereba is central. Jereba achieved ascension into godhood and thus will lead his followers on the right way to eternal happiness, by transforming society into an eternal bliss or by ascending the Wills of his followers into his own. Followers of Jereba’s Church are called Disciples.  

Jereba’s Conviction

  Jereba’s Conviction is a variant of Jerebaism where the following of the key principles of Jerebaism is central, rather than the following of Jereba himself. While the so-called Convictionists also believe in order, they tend to be less hierarchical than their God-following counterpart.   After Jereba’s awakening, many Convictionists were shunned and those that openly refused to follow Jereba were even persecuted in some places of the world. Consequently Jereba’s Conviction lost many of its followers either to the Church or to other religions in general.

Known Followers







Religious, Organised Religion

Cover image: by Kip97 (through Artbreeder)


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