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The Lorian Realm

The Lorian Realm (Loria, the Realm, the Realm of Loria) is the biggest country on Etera. It was founded on the 85th day of Water in 1150 RC. by the separation of the Lorian Realm from the Kindgom of Eandal. Twelve aristocratic families, who were unhappy with the way the Kingdom of Eandal was governed, decided to separate the Lorian region from the Eandalian Kingdom and founded the Realm of Loria.  

Separation and Foundation

  As a result of the Kastian separation from the Kingdom of Eandal and its conquest towards the east of the Kingdom, the Eandalian King Boral Goldmarsh, God of Domination, decided in his hunger for power to kill many of the Eandalian aristocracy and take the reservoirs of their accumulated elemental cores. Bolar also depleted the Kingdoms’s magical reservoir. Before Bolar was killed, he had let his soul wander to the eternal cycle, resulting in the loss of the power he held. Due to God Boral’s thirst for power not only much of the Kingdom’s magical power was lost, but also many of their ruling class. Especially the eastern part of the Kingdom had been hit hard. The Praeter of the Lorian region, his ten Kosari and Kosariae and three Kosari from other provinces of the western part of the Kingdom then decided to turn on the Kingdom too. The western part of the Kingdom always had been sceptical how the King from the eastern part would rule. So they wanted to make a new Empire in which they would learn from the Kingdom’s mistakes that had led to its deep fall. They also had the High Commander of the Lorian realm on their side and thus control over a military.   The Kingdom was heavily weakened due to the loss of most of their elemental power. There had been a power vacuum and the constantly changing provisional rulers would need to focus all their attention on the Kastian Republic’s conquest. And since these aristocratic families from the west hadn’t lost as much of their magic powers, they could easily separate themselves from the Kingdom. The families convinced the people with promises of a political system that shared the power between aristocracy and common man. They either killed the maesters/maestra of their local subregions or forced them to join their cause.   The total twelve Kosarian families would each rule their own province and the family of the Praeter would rule over them as their Emperor. But as the Empire came into being, the Praeter requested the families to transfer all of their accumulated magical power to him. The families had however learned from the Kingdom’s mistakes and had refused. Instead they killed the Praeter and his family and established a political system that would make sure their families would stay in power, while still satisfying the common population with almost empty powers.   Instead of an empire, they created the Lorian Realm. The system was made so that no single family would be able to rule over the others. To seal their trust in each other, all of them transferred all their magic powers into thousands of many small magic transferral artifacts made from everstone. Half of these artifacts would be shared evenly between the magical reservoirs of all families to use in their provinces. The other half would be used as a common pool of magic for the entire Empire. The artifacts were again split into many different secure locations to make sure, not one family could take all the power.  

Political System and society

  The Lorian political system and society is strongly influenced by the division between different levels of citizenship. While the laws are (at least in theory) universal, the rights of a person depend on their level of citizenship. In Lorian society there are four levels of citizenship, which are obtained after a Person’s Namegiving:  
  • Foreigners/ Non-citizens/ Children: people who do not own a Lorian emblem. Children who are not of age yet and who consequently cannot carry a Lorian emblem do not posses rights tight to their level of citizenship and thus fall under the this first level of citizenship.
  • Lorian citizens: all Lorian people who bear a Lorian emblem.
  • Nobles: Lorian people who are descendants from high nobility, but whose relation to the current High Lord or Lady is too distant to be considered high nobility. They bear a nobles’ emblem.
  • High nobles: The highest possible level of Lorian citizenship, which is reserved for Lorian people who are part of the twelve noble families and who are at most five degrees distant from the current Head Lord or Lady at the time of their Namegiving. They bear a high nobles’ emblem
  Based on these four levels of citizenship, people can have different rights.  
  • People’s rights: rights carried by all people who have not been stripped of them by law, contract or judicial decision. Examples are the right to freedom and the right to legal protection against crimes.
  • Citizen’s rights: rights carried by all Lorian citizens. In addition to the people’s rights, citizen’s rights give a person the power to vote in the Lorian elections and fulfill certain governmental positions, to own Lorian land and to carry a name under Lorian law.
  • Noble’s rights: rights carried by all Lorian nobles. In addition to the citizen’s rights, noble’s rights give a person the power to fulfill certain powerful governmental positions and the right to carry a noble name under Lorian Law. Contrary to popular belief, nobles cannot seat in the noble’s councils, nor can they cast noble’s votes.
  • High noble’s rights: rights carried by all Lorian high nobles. In addition to the normal noble’s rights, high noble’s rights give a person the power to seat in the noble’s councils, to fulfill the most powerful governmental positions and to cast noble’s votes.

Political and legal system

The Lorian society is governed by laws, which are made and voted by different councils and enforced by governments and courts.

Legislative procedure

The legislative power of Loria consists of four main noble’s councils and one citizen’s council. Each of the noble’s councils consists of several more specialized sub-councils. Each sub-council is tasked with the drafting of laws and can propose them to the full council, after which the full noble’s council has to vote. After the vote of the noble’s council, the citizen’s council has to vote on the law. If at least 50% + 1 of the voters of each council agrees with the law, it is passed. If not, then the sub-council can redraft it and propose it anew. For certain important matters, a higher percentage of voters is needed to pass the law.The twelve noble families of the Lorian Realm tried to learn from the mistakes of the Eandalian Kingdom, while still making sure they ultimately remained in power and control of the new country.
Founding Date
85 Water 1150
Alternative Names
Loria, the Realm, the Realm of Loria

Non-aggression pact

Based on the Lorian Proposition, Kastia and Loria signed a pact of non-agression.

Cover image: by Kip97 (through Artbreeder


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