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Wesbach is a province of The Lorian Realm. It is located in the center-north of the Realm and is goverened by the Virgil family.  

Geography and Climate

  Wesbach is a very central province of Loria. On its north, it borders the Albina mountains and Hillborgh. On its east it borders Highreed and Ordal. On its south it borders Dandalia and the Capital area and on its west Andolia and Pinta.   Even though the Albina mountains do not belong to one province officially, the cities and the mines located in it are considered part of Wesbach, likely because the mines are property of the Virgil family.   Wesbach has a generally mild climate, with colder areas around the Albina moutnains and towards the border with Pinta. The mountains themselves have a cold climate.  


  Due to its central location and the many mines under its territory, the Wesbach economy relies a lot on all kinds of trade. The most prominent are trade in raw materials, financial trade and trade in valuable materials, including gold and everstone. This is due to the many mines in both the Albina mountains and the Green peaks. Most of these mines are owned by the Virgil estate or the Virgil bank.   Due to the economically very favorable laws and the Virgil bank giving Wesbachian businesses highly generous loans, many traders have their official business seat in Wesbach. The province has many big cities and since the Virgil family is one of the two richest families in the Realm, they make sure their cities are as prosperous as they are.  


  Since Wesbach relays a lot on trade for its wealth, many Wesbachians are very competitive and competent in what they do. They value efficiency and good order. As a result, many people feel a lot of pressure to succeed and to do their utmost in their work.   Seemingly contrarian to this is the lively drinking culture of Wesbach. Drinking alcohol is a very common way to make good relations, both in professional as in private nature. Most Wesbachian cities have very lively downtowns with many breweries. Some believe this to be a sort of escape from the usually highly demanding Wesbachian work mentality.  
Geopolitical, Province
Neighboring Nations

Cover image: by ANadia_A77 on Pixabay


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