Hybrids are a minority species in the world of Gaia, they are the result of the rare unions between humans and monsters. As such their numbers are largely linked to the consistency in which humans and monsters interbreed. The Hybrillian government came to the decision that in the vein of national security and longevity, that they must promote the birth and rearing of new hybrids by any means available. This national agenda led to the creation of the 'Captores', a government backed raiding party that would go off into neighboring nations to capture and bring back humans and monsters for their Forced Hybridization Program.
An individual unit of the Captpres contains a total of 4 individuals.
The Captores are primarily a shock cavalry unit; relying on the advantages gained from ambushing unprepared and untrained targets, usually by encircling them. priority during ambush is the swift neutralization of any hostile elements that may be present while shattering morale, causing dispersal. After dispersal members will split into smaller parties to chase down and capture them.
The Recruitment requirements for the Captores are very forgiving with no gender or species mandate, nor is there any mandate of being a magician or other type of magic user. The only requirement is that any individual meets the age requirements and a baseline physical level of health. Though the prerequisites are lenient; to many Hybrilians the idea of surprise attacks on often unknown and unpredictable targets is not appealing to the common citizen resulting in those who have previous experience with combat being regular applicants.
Raiding parties
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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