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Marriage Traditions in Duria Dynasty

Duri are religious, yet worldly people, and traditions related to marriage, which they see as one of the turning points in life, occupy a large place in Duria Dynasty culture.    Marriage traditions can be examined in 3 sections as proposal, preparation period and ceremony, and in general, they are traditions that require a long time and effort.   The purpose of all these rituals of proposal, acceptance and rejection is to make sure that people think over and over their decisions while doing these long-term jobs.  


Choosing the Right One

If a man wants to express their wish to marry to his beloved, he must make a wooden chest with their hands, by using their own skills. Then, they offer the gifts they put into this chest as a proposal to the person they want to marry.   Generally, the effort given is considered important rather than the gifts placed in the chest or the value of it.   [At a later age, especially in the second marriage of individuals, the chest is not required, but a handcrafted gift should still be presented]   The person accepting the proposal displays the contents of the chest on the door of their house, on a rug woven by mothers for this use when their children reach the age of marriage. If the person refuses the proposal, they threw the chest to the ground in front of the door of their house and smashes it.   If a woman wants to propose to marry, she presents a vest that she has woven and embroidered with motifs as a gift. Each motif represents a different meaning, some motifs express the temperament of the bride, some express her thoughts about the groom, and some express her dreams about marital life.   The person accepting the proposal wears this vest the next day and paces where everyone can see it, especially in front of the girl's house. If so, it is known that the commitment has made. If the person wants to reject the proposal, they must unravel the vest that night and leave the ropes in front of the woman's house. These threads are not used to weave anything else.  

Preparatory Period

After the promise rituals are completed, the wedding preparations begin quickly without waiting. However, if unexpected special circumstances occur, the preparations are suspended - for a certain period of time required by the special situation.   Before the final preparations, the mothers of the two parties get together at the home of a jointly determined neighbor or friend. This meeting can become a matter of honor for the woman chosen as the mediator, and it often takes the form of entertainment for women.   After this meeting, the engagement period begins with the motif-embroidered rugs depicting the tangled vine branches that are laid in front of the houses of both sides or hung at the entrance. Other suitable motifs can be added to the rug. The purpose of this is for everyone to know that those families have a wedding soon, and as a result, pay attention to the material or moral sensitivities this situation brings to the families.   During the engagement period, the two families often bring treats and other gifts to each other. This period is limited to approximately 3 months - the time required for a large carpet to be woven. Meanwhile, other adjustments are taken care of. If this period is doubled - up to 6 months - this marriage starts to be regarded as no longer happening.  

Tie the Knot

The wedding is held in the form of a big feast held in the village / town square, where all acquaintances are invited among the public. In big cities, there are places that can be rented for this entertainment and participation is by invitation.   The wedding area is illuminated with candles and lanterns and decorated as much as possible. Since all these are time consuming efforts, the weddings of the couples who were engaged at that time can be held together in one night, with the agreement of the parties.   The carpet of the wedding house - or the carpets of the wedding houses, is laid in the middle of the area. These rugs are later laid in the couple's house, in the main hall.   The entire wedding night is spent in a festive mood with eating, drinking, dancing and entertainment until the early hours of the morning.  


the Mediator

During the pre-wedding preparation period, a meeting is held to discuss and decide on issues such as wedding preparations or the needs of the couple to be married. Over time, this meeting has become more of an entertainment and is more often referred to as this today.   This meeting takes place under the mediation of a woman who is a mutual friend or neighbor of the mothers of both parties. Being selected for this role and the meeting proceeding smoothly, being fun and enthusiastic can be a matter of honor for the chosen woman.   Matters such as the location of the meeting, the meal to be served and other entertainment requirements are under the responsibility of the Mediator. Traditionally, the meeting takes place at the Mediator's home and the meal demonstrates her skills; Today, venues can be rented and catering services can be purchased in big cities.
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