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Lands of Duria

Duria Dynasty is a kingdom located on the western side of the continent of Joruxes [m. south].  


Although Duria is largely a Human kingdom, it has a multiethnic nature. This structure is particularly evident in big cities where trade is concentrated, while the rural areas are more racially segregated.   The population is divided between the big cities and the surrounding villages. The inhabitants of the cities are usually engaged in trade or service businesses, while those living in villages are often farmers or livestock and form the heart of the dynasty's production.  




The main attractions around which settlements in Duria are built are the grand waterfall rising from the mountain slope on which the capital is built, the Dancing Moonlight River branching into the lower plains fed by this waterfall, the ocean connection to the west, and the vast forest area to the south.   Duria consists of 4 major cities and villages built around them, apart from its capital.   The capital Bessameru was founded in 1487 | AS on the western slope of the southern mountain range of the Serpent Mountains.   The port cities Aubesa and Zaneiru, established on the west coast, and Wasva Asamu, founded on the forest shore in the south, are the locations that were used as seasonal settlements in Duria's nomadic times.   The last established settlement within the borders of the kingdom is Midville, which is located in the center of the country and is the most active city today.   In addition, there is a small caravanserai settlement called Avilès, on the border of the Free Cities.  


After the Bessameru settlement was established and the Duria Dynasty reached its current structure, the weight of the settlements in Duria and the domestic traffic changed direction, so the existing migration routes used for transportation in the previous period were abandoned.   The Dragon Tail Trade Route, which was built in the following period - based on the example of the neighboring Free Cities - traverses the country from the Free Cities border in the north to Wasva Asamu in the far south.   Other trade routes are roads of secondary importance only for the purpose of connecting port cities to river transport.  


Sea Ports   Duria has two coastal harbours.   Among these ports, the one in Zaneiru is mostly used for commercial purposes, while the larger port in Aubesa is used extensively by passenger transport as well as commercial vessels.  
River Ports   River transport takes up a large part of the transport in Duria. Although there are many small stops on the Dancing Moonlight River, there are 3 main port operations on the river, close to Aubesa, Midville and the capital.   Goods and passengers are transported by river boats from these ports.  


Duria Dynasty is located on the Joruxes continent, on the western side of the southern part of the Reptile Mountain Range, which divides the continent in two.   The lands of the country are bordered in the east by the mountain ranges and then by the Misty River, in the north by the deep cleft separating the continents, and by the ocean shore in the east and south.    

Geographical Structure

The geographical structure of Duria can be defined, in general, as low-rough plains.   Only, a part on the slopes of the Serpent Mountains, which we can call the northeast of the country, is quite hilly, and has a structure lined with low hills.   A large part of the Duria plain in the center is fed by the Dancing Moonlight River and its branches, the lifeblood of Duria lands. As a result of this situation, these lands constitute the agricultural production center of Duria.   The Dancing Moonlight River rises from the Serpent Mountains and crosses the country from east to west. Before the main branch of the river reaches the sea, it is divided into hundreds of capillary branches and spreads over the land between the cities of Aubesa and Zaneiru, and it pours into the sea from the cliffs between the two ports, giving this region a swamp-like feature.   The most important and largest forest area in Duria lands, which has a fertile structure in terms of forest areas, is the Ancient Willow Forest, which completely surrounds the southern border of the country.   The small willow groves scattered throughout the forest give this forest its name. Although the exact source of these groves, which are incompatible with the regional climate and differentiated from the general vegetation of the forest in which they are located, is not known, it is clear that this is not a natural phenomenon. The source of these groves has been the subject of many legends told among the people of the region. The general vegetation of the Ancient Willow Forest changes towards the southern border, and resembles the forest area of the equatorial rainforest that covers the southernmost part of the continent.   Another important forest area of Duria is the forests surrounding the western foothills of the Serpent Mountains.  


Duria generally has a hot climate type. A temperate continental climate is observed in the northernmost parts, and a temperate equatorial climate in the central and southern parts.   During the year, the first months, which we can call the spring period, and the last months, which can be called the winter period, are warm and very rainy, while the period in between - the period between the two solstices - is quite hot. The driest month of the year is Uqe, which is the 8th month.  


  • Duria Dynasty
    This map shows the current territory of the Duria Dynasty - its geographical structure and the distribution of settlements.
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