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the Free Cities // Southern Lands

The southern region of the continent of Iseuxes [m. north]. This region is politically bound to the Free Citites.  


  All faiths of the Prime Deities are respected, but the Mother faith is predominant.  


In this region, settlements are mostly sparse, underpopulated and mostly inhabited by Humans.   Towards to southern edge, settlements are surrounded by farmlands and most of the population are farmers. Also, fishery is common at the southeast corner.  

Industry & Trade


  Agriculture and animal husbandry are common in the production of the region.    Towards to southern edge, settlements are surrounded by farmlands and most of the population are farmers. Also, fishery is common at the southeast corner.  


The southern region exports a small number of products, but there is a high rate of trade activity in the region, as most of the trade route crossing the Free Cities is located in this region.   The only export activity of the region is made from the port in the southeast corner, and export products such as seafood, other marine products and leather works are shipped to Dragon Bay, mainly for the Wall region of Free Cities or for further distribution.  


While there were small kingdoms in this region before, during the expansion of the Free Cities, the region was occupied and linked to the Free Cities administration.  


This region is defined by the Crown Grove, that runs along the border of the Great Wall in the north and the deep border rift between continents of Iseuxes and Joruxes in the south.    The northern part of the Serpent Mountains divides the region into two. There are vast wastelands in the west of the mountain range and a large forest in the east.  

Alternative Name(s)
the South
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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