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the Free Cities

The Free Cities is located in the Iseuxes [m. north] continent.   Originally, it was founded around Dragon Bay - as it is known today - in the northeast of the continent, and then expanded its territory and dominated the continent as a whole.   It consists of 3 states: the Inner Wall Region, the Northern Territories and the Southern Territories.  


The Free Citites is govern by the Council of Balance.  

The Council of Balance

  Council of Balance consists of the governors of the 10 sister cities, dean of the Academy of The Arcane, Commander of the Brass Knights and also the of representatives of various subsidiary councils.  

Subsidiary Councils

Council of Memory
  The members of this council consists of librarians and academicians. Its purpose is to keep the history of the country and also contribute to legislative.  
Council of Divine
  The members of this council consists of the heads of major temples that are located in the sister cities. Its purpose is to express demands of their communities, bring wisdom and also contribute to legislative.  
Council of Jewels
  The members of this council are elected from between the heads of major merchant and artisan guilds. ts purpose is to keep track of the national treasury, export and import goods and their rates and also inland base market prices for sale goods.  
Council of Shadows
  The members of this council consists of spies. They provide information from in and out of the Free Cities. The members are kept secret and they do not attend to Council of Balance meetings directly.  


The information that has survived from the history of the Free Cities before the establishment of the union of cities and the administrative structure is not sufficient to fully enlighten the history of this region.   It is only known that the Inner Wall Area, which today forms the heart of the Free Cities, was home to slave camps and that the region was a hellish place of tyranny, corruption and chaos. This period ended with the Last Uprising, a historical revolt against tyranny and slavery, and the foundation of the Free Cities was laid with the establishment of 10 Sister Cities and the appointment of representative councils to the administration.  
"Now, in these lands where our bodies were once crushed as slaves, let the towers of our cities as a symbol of freedom, hope and courage rise as the token of our souls, and let the name of our leaders who carry us to these days live until the end of time."   Articles of Union, Opening Text
  In the following period, the Great Wall was built and the country reached its present state by taking the southern and northern regions under the sovereignty.  

Demography and Population

The Wall region consists of 10 large cities that are overcrowded, multicultural and multiethnic.  


The Free Cities was originally founded in the Wall region, later expanded towards to the unclaimed territory at the south, then occupied and disbanded the southern kingdoms and absorbed the northen tribes with the North Treaty.   In this day and time, the Free Citites that is governed from the Wall region, covers the entire Iseuxes continent as one country.  


The Free Cities, in the wall and southern regions, has a regular army that is named Brass Knights.   Military forces act as a police force in the citites and towns, provide the security of the trace route, keep guard on the Wall and also at the outposts throughout the country.   The troops are trained at the outposts and then assign to a place of duty. Under normal circumstances, task duration [a cycle] at a post is 7 years. Soldiers can ask for a new appointment after a cycle is finished or can be assign to a new post if necessary in between.  


In the Free Cities, communities that belong to any of the Prime Deities can be found, however, dominant belief groups vary by region.  

Trade & Transport

The heart of commerce and transportation in the Free Cities is Dragon Bay, located in the center of the Inside Wall. The ports located along the coastal line in the entire bay carry the raw materials from the world to the Cities and the goods produced in this region to the world, as well as the heavy passenger traffic.   Apart from this, one of the two other ports in the country is located in the northwest of the country and the other in the most southeast point.   The port in the northwest is located on the shore between Eastvein and Westvein, at the mouth of the river connecting to Eastvein, and from this port, passenger transportation is intensely carried out.   The port in the southeast is the Nearhaven Harbor and is located near Collès. From this port, agricultural and livestock products produced in the south, the agricultural center of the country, are transported to the center, the Inner Wall Area.   Land transportation in the country is carried out through the White Trail Trade Road, which was completed in 1731, and its secondary branches added in the following periods.  

With Unity Cometh Strenght

Founding Date
1619-1620 | AS
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
the Cities
Government System
Power Structure
Major Exports
Main exports of the Wall region consists of various clockwork mechanisms, cultural goods -such as books, and magical items.  
Major Imports
The Wall is a foreign-dependent region in terms of raw materials and food.  
Legislative Body
The Council of Balance  
Neighboring Nations

Trade Partners

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Age of Wrath

Unknown Period of Time

Tyranny Period

  • Unknown
    the Last Uprising
    Civil action

  • Unknown
    The Defeat of Otarish
    Life, Achievement/ Win

  • Unknown Period of Time
    Silent Phase
    Era beginning/end

    Although the period from the success of the rebellion and the destruction of the slave camps to the date of the signing of the treaty accepted as the founding of the Free Cities is estimated to be a renewal process for the region and the people of the region, there is no historical record left from this period.

the Founding

1370 - 1508

  • 22nd, Kleer 1370 | AS
    Acceptance of the Articles of Unification & Establishment of Sister Cities

  • Late 1300's
    Starting the Construction of the Great Wall
    Construction beginning/end

Expansion Period

1508 - 1620

  • 1508 - 1540 | AS
    Settling in the Vacant Lands
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 1540 - 1620 | AS
    Invasion of the South
    Military action

  • 17th, Juhol 1615 | AS
    Signing of the North Treaty
    Diplomatic action

Unitary Period

1620 & beyond

  • 1621 | AS
    Starting the Construction of the White Trail Trade Road
    Construction beginning/end

  • 1633 | AS
    Completing the Construction of the Great Wall
    Construction beginning/end

  • 1731 | AS
    Completing the Construction of the White Trail Trade Road
    Construction beginning/end

  • 1750 | AS
    Trade Agreement with Duria Dynasty & Establishment of the Border Bridge
    Diplomatic action