The Bull of Heaven

Either an aspect of the god of the Sun or a related lesser-deity, the Bull-of-Heaven is worshipped by many warriors in mystery cults throughout the Known World. Worshipped only by men and in secret underground chapels, the cult is not proscribed but is poorly understood and subject to prejudice. The emphasis is on masculine dominance and power but without the life-giving potency of the main cult of the Sun god. Initiates of the Bull-of-Heaven pass through a series of mysteries, consuming different parts of sacrificed bulls in ritual ceremonies (the blood, the flesh, the genitals, the liver etc. eventually culminating in eating the heart of the bull).   The legend is that the Bull-of-Heaven was the lover of the goddess of the Harvest and ploughed her fields. Her husband, the god of the Underworld, was jealous and tricked the god of the Forge into making chains to bind the Bull-of-Heaven so he could not plough for the goddess of the Harvest (the sexual implications of this as a metaphor are understood by all devotees). Because of his imprisonment underground, the Bull-of-Heaven is worshipped in subterranean temples and in the darkness, although he is a deity of light and the sun.


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