The Five Realms of the Underworld

Also known as the Five Hells, the five realms of the Underworld are the afterlife of Gaia, ruled by the god of the Underworld and his wife the goddess of the Harvest. Each Realm has a particular color associated with it, and these correspond to the five colors of the god of the Underworld. Depending on the manner of death, a dead person - or Shade - will dwell in a particular Realm.  
  • The Red Hell is for oath-breakers, traitors and those who failed to live up to their potential, squandering the gifts the gods gave them. The Crimson Huntsman and his hounds patrol the borders of the Red Hell, tormenting the Shades trapped there.
  • The Blue Hell is for those who drowned or died because they were lost. A dreary and dull realm, sailors are terrified of ending up there and make many sacrifices and prayers against drowning (although many do not learn to swim, superstitiously thinking this will tempt the gods to drown them!)
  • The Yellow Hell is for those who were rightfully executed or otherwise died because of their sins but repented of their transgressions before they died. Suffering penance for their crimes at night, they are released from their torments when they have made restitution for their crimes, whence they journey to the Green or Blue Hell.
  • The Green Hell is for those who fulfilled their oaths or performed the duties of their station in life. Appearing as a calm and idealized version of the life they lived before, Shades here continue to live out their lives in natural contentment, undertaking the same tasks they did while alive and receiving the same satisfaction.
  • The Purple Hell is for those who transcended their duties and did more than the gifts from the gods commended them to. It is a realm of pleasure and ease, where the Shades of these heroes are waited on by beautiful Nymphs and enjoy every kind of delight.
Which particular Hell a given soul ends up in is the decision of the god of the Underworld and his minions. Drowning or dying lost is seen as a curse - but heroism or villainy would take precedence if there were such things.
Dimensional plane
Characters in Location


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