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Izrir, the Parasite

Master of the Hidden Visage

Izrir is known as the God of the Shifting Mind and serves as the sixth pillar of the Therion Pantheon.
He is considered the god of shapeshifting, manipulation, and envy.   His name is one spoken only in whispers, said to have been one of the very first lords of the Nether. So ancient in fact that none live to speak of his true origins. However, said to have been cursed for all eternity by his fellow demon lords, the fangs of death forever hunt him down. Ever seeking to avoid his fate, he twists the bodies of others to suit his needs, his name known simply as that of a parasite.


No one alive is said to have ever laid their eyes of Izrir's true form. Some believe his original shape to have been lost to time, any glance at his true self only a mere remnant of what he used to be. Due to the stories of his invasive nature, many speculate that his actual shape is that of a small leech, burrowing its way inside its victims' minds. Others believe him to be a ghastly creature, possessing others to gain corporeal form.   The forms used to depict him throughout time instead change constantly. It's said that no two depictions ever hold the same shape, making it incredibly difficult to tell whether ancient carvings or texts even have any relation to Izrir. His known forms have taken on the shapes of all the mortal races but a common trait is his desire to appear regal and elegant, never lowering himself to choose the form of a commoner.


Much like his preference in taking on a noble form, Izrir is said to be incredibly arrogant and a being of superiority. Looking down upon others, he thinks himself more powerful than any of his fellow deities, often flaunting his gifts and ability to have avoided death since the dawn of demonkind. Generally quite composed in his regal attitude, he can be easily enraged by those who dare to question his superior might.   Ever the master of the mind, he's known to be a devious and twisted soul. All who walk beside him are believed to be his puppets, manipulated into doing his bidding by using their fears and doubts to force them into servitude. The few who fail to give in are simply forced through sheer will, shattering their psyche to leave only an empty shell for him to fill with endless devotion to their new master.   Once in control of his new form and the people around him, he can appear quite benevolent. To avoid any ill influence and earn the favor of others, he slithers inside their minds by pretending to be a paragon of good. While such is merely a scheme to cover up his vile ways, this often makes him harder to locate as he balances a fine edge between noble leader and ruthless tyrant.


His power to bend the minds of his victims leads many to believe him a master of enchantment and illusion. Only the strongest minds are said to see through his deceptions and fewer still can fight off his influence once he starts to pierce their thoughts in full force. With the ability to force entire armies to do his bidding, only select chosen are said to have the power to withstand his slithering words.   While commonly thought to take control of others, he's thought to also be a master shapeshifter, able to take on any form he sees fit, whether humanoid or that of a simple object. It's also believed that from his own flesh, he can summon parasitic leeches to feast on his enemies, forcing them to submit or suffer a slow death. While said to wield exceptional skills with a scythe, he'll rarely resort to such direct brutality unless absolutely necessary.


Izrir's followers are feared by almost anyone as only the most vile and cruel souls would kneel before a god of such wickedness. Unfortunately for others, these are also the kind of people who hide themselves incredibly well and can be found in almost every culture. Some might be lowly peasants slowly rising to fame and fortune, others well renowned lords who'd otherwise seem like esteemed members of society. Some are known to be revealed due to poorly masking their sudden turn of the tide in life, but many more mask their true intentions masterfully.   These souls are masters of manipulation. A truly devoted follower of Izrir is one who can maintain a perfect façade for decades. They might seem like the finest gentleman or an innocent young lady, while their true self slithers beneath the surface. In reality, these individuals are hateful and cruel, often seeking to ruin the lives of others and reap what they can from their suffering. It's often that they seek great influence over the world around them but making sure not to overstep their boundaries and draw too much attention to themselves. While the successful lurk amidst civilization, others merely enjoy finding new prey to abuse through false kindness.  


  • Seize the wonders you desire. That which lies unprotected has not been truly claimed by another.
  • Ascend beyond measure. What the world call tricks are but tools to wield in your path to glory.
  • Become one with the world. Blend with the times and change your colors to remain a master of the veil.

Notable Relations


  • Jayle - Most believe that Izrir has remained a mystery due to the aid of Jayle, using his realm to more safely navigate the World Tree and shroud himself in shadows.
  • Ossara - The wretched tales of Izrir's parasitic minions and tools are similar to methods used by Ossara, the two thought to have woven several horrid schemes.
  • Zhaarn - While Zhaarn is widely considered a being of physical torture above all, Izrir instead torments the mind before the flesh, often delighted to share his deeds with the former.


  • Tali - Commonly described as a being of many forms, Izrir holds great disdain towards Tali's hand of death, forcing him to search and prepare for new bodies to inhabit.
  • Ylora - Readily embracing the sin he governs, none are quite as wretched in his eyes than Ylora, her light of purifying virtue sickening to even his parasitic tastes.
  • Zaul - Ever seeking to shape the future to suit his own needs, any and all prophecies spoken by Zaul often serve as an obstacle for Izrir to take into consideration.


God of the Shifting Mind  


Fiend of the Broken Empire
Slithering Parasite
Fangs of the Mind  

Moral Compass

Whim & Temptation  


Smiling mask /w fangs and green eyes  


May your deeds remain hidden  








The Nightmare Labyrinth


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