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Zaul, the Prophet of Blood

The Fallen Angel of Catastrophe

Zaul is known as the God of Untold Vision and holds the seventh seat of the Celestine Pantheon.
He is considered the god of prophecy, the mind, and the future.   Many celestial oracles are known to exist throughout the Aether but none so prolific as Zaul. Long ago, the angelic being was wrought by agonizing visions, so vivid and catastrophic that it took a great toll on both body and mind. Yet he would endure, always upholding his vow towards his masters. As his visions continued to wreak havoc on his form, he would become an angel of darkness, fully immersing himself in his powers to gain perfect clarity of the coming days. For his tireless efforts, he would rise to divinity and has since stood watch over that which will inevitably come to pass.


Zaul's appearance is one that's often seared into the minds of those who gaze upon any of his depictions. Although he was once a beautiful angelic being, he's since been warped into a decrepit form and a shade of his former self. His wings have long since turned dark and wicked with the eerie glow of the Void itself, a veil that rests over his entire body. Clad in black robes, he hides his withered form underneath, his flesh said to peel off at a mere touch of his skin.   Even if his body were to heal, his body would merely begin to crumble once more, wavering a fine line between light and darkness. His eyes are always covered by cloth or sometimes a mask, keeping him blind to his surroundings in order to fully immerse himself in his visions. Should any get a closer look at his body, they'd see an endless amount of scars, the markings of horrid rituals to delve further into the future than anyone else would ever dare.


The most common trait associated with Zaul is the madness he's suffered from his duty. Many fear him for having delved so deeply into the darkness that they question his position as a god. Zaul is often described as sporadic and frantic, losing himself to his mental despair more and more with each passing day, his mind said to be lost in his visions for several years at a time. It's said that this makes him violent and dangerous to others, some claiming that he's likely held captive to avoid exposing him to the outside world.   But underneath the withered and broken man lies a deeply devoted soul, sworn to his duty and never relenting no matter the ailments that befall upon him. Zaul is bound by his duty and never seeks to abandon his charge, nor complain about the horrible fate he's suffered. As such, he's also widely believed to hold the most mental fortitude and willpower of all the deities, hoping to aid others by sharing his own experiences and teach them how to handle trauma.   Due to his devotion and the nature of his visions, he keeps many of these sights to himself as nothing will change even if he warns of impending disaster. However, while he knows well enough to avoid wasting time preventing such events, he still helps out wherever he can. Should his visions lack any definitive casualties, he'll always offer a warning to people to evacuate, always hoping that those unbound by destiny may yet live to see another day.


Zaul's most well known gift is his visions of prophecy. Only few others can claim to have as great an insight into the future as he does, his visions so precise that nothing anyone does could ever hope to change it. This power also makes him a master of divination, few being able to stand against him as he sees their every move and intent. Even though he lacks much when it comes to combat, he knows exactly how to best his foes by using their strengths against them or simply let them tire themselves out.   Due to his lack of martial prowess, he instead commands vast arcane powers. From conjuring creatures from other realms to serve him to twisting the minds of his enemies, he commands a vast number of tricks to crush anyone before they ever considered going against him. Serving as one of the few deities with command over time itself, he can even lock others in place until such a time that he's ready to unleash true nightmares upon them.


Very few like to dedicate themselves to Zaul, most fearing they might suffer his madness if they even speak his name. As such, the majority of his followers are fellow oracles who hope to ease his burdens, or those seeking to gaze into the future for their own sakes. However, some like to devote themselves to train their minds and become guardians of peace, looking to aid those who've suffered from unimaginable horrors. Similar, some delve into visions to learn more about the Void, hoping to enslave its creatures or learn how best to strike them down.   His followers in turn are known for their dedication, working tirelessly to obtain clarity of mind and steel themselves against the darkness. Those who fail to do so properly are known to go insane, mild cases resulting only in some rather peculiar individuals. While some remain within the walls of civilization, others like to travel to places known for the disaster that've struck them. Here they can aid the troubled minds of its victims, while any events pertaining to horrid aberrations from beyond can be studied and brought to heel.  


  • Embrace the present and you will prepare yourself for the days to come.
  • Steel your mind. To face the unknown you must first embrace your fears.
  • Fate is inevitable. Oppose the threads of time and you will know ruin and despair.

Notable Relations


  • Ruul - As the two deities who govern time, Ruul and Zaul are considered close allies and work closely together to safeguard the sanctity of temporal power.
  • Cira - Despite being feared for the madness of the dark, Zaul works towards peace of mind with the aid of Cira, whom he considers a dear friend.
  • Kaius - Delving into the dark arts is often a lonely road, one which Zaul shares with Kaius in a bond of friendship, the two often sharing in their occult knowledge.


  • Camus - Having seen what lies ahead in the future, Zaul knows full well to fear Camus' wrath and actively seeks to slow his advance as much as possible.
  • Zhaarn - Among Zaul's many prophecies, a number are kept from the rest of Divinity for the sake of peace, one of which is said to involve Zhaarn's return.
  • Izrir - Seeking to keep a peace of mind for himself and others, Zaul holds great disdain for Izrir and his efforts to leech off of the mind's of others.


God of Untold Vision  


Voice of Darkness
Keeper of the Coming Days
Nightmare Lord  

Moral Compass

Oath & Goal  


Dagger coated in black blood  


Take heart in the days that are yet to come  








The Precipice of Damnation


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