The Capital of Marnain, home of the Testing Grounds, and seat of The Council of 11 and the only open port in the republic, Tharandil is a very busy place
The majority of the population is Elvish, 40% High Elf and 50% Wood Elf and 3% more excotic varieties. As Tharanhil is the only city open too the rest of the world, there are a few exceptions. The city has a 7% population of non elves, mostly gnomish and human.
The settlement is directly ruled by the Council of 11.
The city has heavy fortifications along its coastline, with twin fortresses on the headlands at the edge of the bay. A naval presence is always stationed nearby the city and natural defences of the headlands make a naval assualt a dangerous task.
The city itself lacks an external wall, and is quite vulnerable too a land assualt. 3 guardhouses and 6 towers are situated amongst the city, but their primary purpose is the direct killing of invaders rather than keeping the cities building and citizens safe. One ward protects the section surrounding the acropolis, and upon it there is a major fortress.
The vulnerability is intentional, too ensure that the council of 11 cannot ensure its safety without the surrounding Duchies, and would be forced to yield if a siege from them took place.
Extenisive port facilities make up a considerable portion of the city, with large loading cranes both magical and mundane. A section of 8 dry docks sits on the easternmost section of jetties, capable of returning nearly any salvaged vessel to a functional state.
An aquaduct brings clean water in from the nearby mountain peaks in the east and is distributed well between the city, and flowing into the ocean a fair way off shore by means of an extensive sewer network.
One of the most important strutctures is the Testing Grounds, built too the north of the acropolis, where the hopefuls of Marnain undergo tests to determine their fitness for office.
Tharanhil is located in a large, deep bay, with large headlands of tough volcanic stone on either side. An acropolis stands a little way back from the waters edge, of the same dense rock, upon which stands the centre of government.
The area surrounding the acropolis is flat and fertile for many miles, and a river meanders its way through the plains that surround the city. By the time it reaches the port it is quite polluted, in spite of the best efforts of the cities councils. There has been rumours that there is more pollution that could be associated with the silty soils and run off from the relatively few elvish farms.
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization