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An Auroran is an individual from the planet Aurora. Aurora has a unique culture in the galaxy, known for their agriculture, craftsmanship, and poker skills.


Culture and cultural heritage

Because of the lack of advanced electronics and machinery, Aurorans may seem stuck in the past. They are mostly disinclined to leave the planet, save for an opportunistic few.

Shared customary codes and values

Many Aurorans are Luddites, meaning they distrust advanced technology. The Earthguard takes this to an extreme, seeking to purge the galaxy of all advanced Computers.

Average technological level

Aurora has one spaceport, located in the city of Antioch. Rather than more modern anti-gravity ships, they must use chemical rockets to achieve liftoff and leave the system. There is a giant technical university, the Auroran Technical Institute, buried beneath a mountain so that it can house a simple computer for the students to practice on. There are some underground hospitals where patients are treated without worry of a solar storm destryoing the equipment.

Art & Architecture

Aurora is home to the Auroran Flute, a wind instrument made from reeds indigenous to the planet. These are popular off world, exported by the Borealis Corporation along with other crafts.

Foods & Cuisine

Aurora's cuisine features cuts of bluox, a large mammal, as well as the local grains and vegetables. Some imports from off-world supplement their diet. Curry is one favorite dish.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

They are proud of their hardiness, celebrating The Thanksgivings to highlight their triumph in the face of adversity.   Aurorans play poker as a way of socializing, taking special joy in beating offworlders at 'friendly' matches. As offworlders often assume that Aurorans are stupid, or backwards, that makes the victory all that much sweeter.
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