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Unforgiving. Uninhabitable. Unconquerable. These things and more have been said of the harsh desert landscapes that cover the majority of Tileigan. The continent is commonly believed to be only inhabited by nomadic tribes of orcs, though some travelers claim to have seen great cities of glass and stone far to the south, where the raw magic of the Light Beyond scorches the earth past the ability to sustain life. Sandstorms change the landscape every so often, and even accomplished navigators must be constantly vigilant, lest they be lost to the wastes.


Tileigan is comprised of almost entirely desert, and very very flat. The Ashni river flows through the northern part of the continent and the only large body of water that has been discovered. Deep gorges to the southwest indicate that there once was more water on Tileigan. The northernmost point of Tileigan, the Ashni River delta, is the only permanently settled land known to cartographers.  
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The farthest southeastern parts of this continent are oversaturated with channels to the Light Beyond. Great, sun-baked mountainsides ring the southern edge of the continent and radiate nearly unbearable heat and light.

Fauna & Flora

Only the hardiest of life survives in the dry, hot climate of Tileigan. Small reptiles are abundant, as are cacti, desert rodents, and elemental creatures of fire and earth. The only sapient inhabitants of this continent are nomadic orc tribes who have grown accustomed to long stretches without water. The Igni Orcs are the only tribe known to have settled in one place, having built a chain of cities across the Ashni River delta.  
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Cities of glass and stone to the south were built by the Yuan-ti. Currently, the ruins of the largest city, Kassaresh, are inhabited by the Orpheari Tieflings, who trace their ancestry back to a pact between the last Yuan-ti queen and the fiend Irkangsh.

Natural Resources

Resources are very scarce in Tileigan. Sources of water are few and far between, large game mostly populates the very northernmost tip of the continent, and the foliage is mainly small, dense shrubs and hardy weeds not suitable for cultivation. Sandstone cut from the western trenches is considered very beautiful and a luxury to the people of Esparad, and iron deposits have been reported in the east.
Alternative Name(s)
Pravga (to the Igni Orcs)

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