Fenrir Great Wolf of Disasters

One of the children of Loki, the Great Wolf of disasters, Fenrir, is a monstrously large beast. This great wolf was born during the Dark Age, so little to no information is known about him from that time. What is known is ominous at best. Fenrir is a very elusive creature with no records of anyone speaking to the beast in the current age. But that does not mean there have been no sightings, as Fenrir has shown up occasionally. But his appearance is always followed shortly after that by some great disaster. This occurrence has led many to speculate that the Great Wolf brings disaster wherever it goes. However, there is a small minority that believes maybe the wolf senses the danger and attempts to warn people in its own way. Regardless of the truth, it is indisputable that disaster is shortly behind wherever Fenrir goes. Fenrir is also known as the father of wolves, with four of the most notable being Skoll, Hati, Garm, and Lycaon.




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