Loki (Low-key)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral   Divine Domains: Nature, Trickery, Festivity   Divine Authority: Deceit, Illusions, Trickery, Thievery   God of Lies and trickery. Often assumed to be the cause of the Dark Age, he spends most of his time being an instigator rather than outright trying to perform evil. He often enjoys trying to trick mortals and causing chaos for other beings. Loki's motivations are nearly impossible to guess due to his lying nature, but often, he looks for whatever makes him laugh. Unfortunately for mortals, that does not usually mean they will survive whatever has caught his interest at the time.   Holy Day: Loki's holy day is known as Trickster's Chaos. Only the followers of Loki know when this day is coming as it never happens on the same day twice, sometimes multiple times in the same year. All the god asks is his followers to cause as much mischief as possible without being caught. Some say if you amuse Loki on this day, he will bless you with a gift.   Commandments of Loki
  • People are supporting actors in your play. Ticking them to your delight is your right.
  • Shadows and Illusions are your allies. They are tools so you can take what you desire.
  • Always keep people guessing. If your enemy and your ally can't tell your intentions, it is easier to enact your masterpiece when they don't know who they are.

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