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Sartian Anor

Spanning from coast to coast, the Anor culture is the predominant human culture of Shuddermount Island and is contiguous with the island's dominant religion, Anorism. First developing throughout the first century of the Mahani Era following the Great Upheaval, the culture governs much of daily life in both modern-day Mightia and Sartia, though harsh divides and the ongoing war between the two states have spurred the development of two burgeoning subcultures: Sartian Anor and Mightian Anor.   Sartian Anor, typically considered the more traditional of the two subcultures, retains many of the surviving elements and traditions of the pre-Upheaval cultures of Shuddermount Island, including an emphasis on balance with nature, equal responsibilities for all members of the traditional family unit, and the distribution of excess resources among the populace.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Eleanor, Cleary, Sandra, Bernadette, and Emmeline are all common feminine names.

Masculine names

Armand, Emory, Florian, Ronny, and Prewitt are all common masculine names.

Unisex names

Jascha, Avery, Silbry, Pandora, and Fidelia are all common unisex names.

Family names

Sprinwallde, Wildford, Halebrad, Pramwell, and Drenspell are all common family names.


Major language groups and dialects

Common is the predominant language of the culture, though Rusthclif Common, a distinct dialect formed by the town's remote location and continued existence for over 4500 years, is spoken throughout the furthest reaches of the Floodwoods Peninsula.

Culture and cultural heritage

Sartian Anor people revere their ancestors as the original inhabitants of Galandria and often consider themselves to be the more authentic representation of ancient Anor culture.

Shared customary codes and values

Sartian Anor people place a high value on balance with nature. While practices such as logging, mining, farming, and hunting occur throughout the Republic of Sartia, it is viewed as an exchange of resources and life with the natural world. In return for the resources they gather, Sartian Anor people work to restore forests, protect rare species, leave settlements few and far between, and leave the most fragile regions, such as the Minhal Mountains, unsettled.

Average technological level

Though Sartian technology remains a shadow of what it once was during the Podana Era, the republic’s transportation infrastructure is well-developed and its military continues to rival the might of its aggressive neighbor. The country also has fairly elaborate irrigation systems to supply its many farms with the few freshwater sources it has.

Common Etiquette rules

Emphasis is placed on sharing resources, wealth, and knowledge. Any time a family member, friend, or even casual acquaintance visits an individual's place of residence, it is customary to insist that they stay for at least one meal or take one with them, and skilled tradespeople will often perform services for family or close friends free of charge. Charity is often expected of those who can afford it.

Common Dress code

Sartian Anor people typically dress rather modestly, though not in an overly formal fashion. Emphasis is placed on functionality rather than a particular appearance.

Art & Architecture

Emphasis is often placed on the depiction of natural settings and landscapes in Sartian Anor art, and practicality is often prioritized in arts such as ceramics and textiles, which are more commonly seen than painted or sketched pieces. Art is often created with its usefulness in mind and most pieces are meant to uphold the culture’s balance with nature, serving a use such as storage or collection while still being elegant.   Architecture is typically quite traditional and carries many trends from pre-Mahani Shuddermount, largely due to the fact that Rusthclif and Shaleverc, two of the island’s three surviving settlements, are both located in the Republic of Sartia. In most towns, buildings and residences are often small, wooden, and modest, built to conserve resources and encroach upon the environment as little as possible. Roofs are often the most elaborate part of the structure, as they are built to collect rainwater as efficiently as possible due to the leeward side of the island’s few sources of freshwater. Typically raised in the center and also built out of wood or thatched in some of the smaller, older towns, nearly all roofs are lined with elaborately carved wooden gutters to capture precipitation, which is then funneled to the structure’s corners where rain barrels perpetually reside.   Structures are naturally more elaborate in larger cities such as Sart and Claymond where many buildings reach several stories into the sky, but many of the basic architectural principles still apply. Buildings remain primarily wooden, but cobbled stone is often incorporated into corner and center structures to provide additional support. The elaborate gutter systems remain, and it is a quintessential part of life in Sartian Anor cities to hear the roar of rainwater cascading into thousands of rain barrels across the cities whenever a storm rolls through.

Foods & Cuisine

Sartian Anor cuisine primarily consists of fruits and vegetables supplemented by modest portions of meat due to the lengthy growing seasons granted by the region’s climate, with roasted sweetcorn being a particularly renowned delicacy.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Birthdays are often celebrated in a relatively typical fashion in Sartian Anor society; however, in addition to receiving gifts of their own, it is customary for the recipient to also give a gift to a person or persons who have made the best impact on their life during the previous year. It is also quite common for marriages and unions, regardless of the religion of those involved, to be performed outside at a natural site that is of particularly special importance to them.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

As high value is placed on human life and well-being, most births take place at the clinics of doctors or clerics where medical care can be provided if necessary. Though elaborate baptisms are frowned upon due to the scarcity of water in Sartia, it is a widely observed Sartian Anor tradition for babies to be carried outside during a rainstorm following their birth, where the first droplets of water to fall from their house’s gutters are allowed to drip onto their head as a prayer of good health.

Coming of Age Rites

Most people in Sartian Anor society come of age at around 14-16 years old, when they transition from taking care of younger or older family members to assisting in the work of their parents or relatives. This age can vary significantly between families, as children generally come of age whenever their families deem it an appropriate time for them.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Following the natural death of a person, they are often left to rest in their home for a day, where family and friends will visit to pay tribute and leave objects or notes the individual would have valued. Following this, the person is typically buried along with these tokens at either a family farm if applicable, or in a nearby forest to allow their body and spirit to rejoin nature.

Common Taboos

Reckless and pointless destruction of nature, such as polluting a water source or starting a wildfire, is considered highly taboo in Sartian Anor culture, and is often dealt with very harshly. Individuals who have committed such acts are often required to atone for them by giving back to nature in any way deemed fit by their local community, and they are typically unwelcome in any sort of Anorian gathering until this atonement is complete.

Common Myths and Legends

Nearly all of Sartian Anor culture is heavily aligned with the island’s predominant religion, Anorism, and its beliefs and legends. See its article for further information.

Historical figures

Heroniad, Eleanor Sprinwallde, and Calibel Wildford are the three most heavily revered historical figures in Sartian Anor society.   Heroniad, a captain of the first fleet to arrive at the shores of Shuddermount Island nearly 5000 years ago, is highly respected as a symbol of bravery, courage, and adventure, and many Sartian children are taught to walk in his footsteps and push the boundaries of the situations they find themselves in throughout their lives.   Eleanor Sprinwallde, once queen of the Kingdom of Primaria, is seen as one of the most important diplomatic figures in Sartian history and often regarded as a prime example of true selflessness. Having signed the Treaty of Claymond to prevent a full-scale war at the cost of ruining her own reputation, she ultimately abdicated the throne and relocated her family to the Sartian town of Oakefalls, where she spent the rest of her life in relative seclusion and obscurity. Her reputation improved in subsequent centuries as the people of Sartia came to recognize her sacrifice, as she is now hailed as one of the most tragic yet brilliant figures in the island’s history.   Calibel Wildford, first president of what would become the Republic of Sartia, is also hailed as a brilliant strategist and symbol of proper ambition, having led the breakaway state’s establishment and guided it through its rocky first years. A statue of him can be found in the city of Sart's Calibel Square. Another statue of President Wildford and Queen Sprinwallde could also found for a time in the city of Claymond, though it is believed to have been destroyed in the recent bombardment.


Beauty Ideals

Beauty ideals for individuals of every gender are focused around an appearance of peace and harmony with the surrounding world. The most beautiful people are those who are well-kept but relaxed, dress modestly and appropriately for the environment (as it varies quite extensively in Sartia), and respect both the individuals and the elements of nature around them.

Gender Ideals

Sartian Anor culture holds that responsibilities should be largely equal between individuals in society or members of a family, so gender roles do not differ significantly. Individuals of every gender are expected to work their fair share, care for younger family members, and provide for those who depend on them.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is typically a longer process lasting at least 3-4 years, as love is a highly prized aspect of Sartian Anor relationships and time is generally taken to ensure that this is present. There are typically no expectations for individuals of any particular gender to initiate relationships or progress them.

Relationship Ideals

Most Sartian Anor relationships are seen as equal between the individuals, and no particular person carries more responsibility than another. Many couples will often begin living together prior to an official marriage as a final test of their love and commitment.
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