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Shuddermount Island

One of the northernmost and coldest landmasses in the world of Galandria, Shuddermount Island is said in legend to have supposedly been the main point of contact with lands beyond Galandria prior to the Great Severance. Named for the dormant volcano located in its far interior, the mountainous island is now home to two warring Anor states: the Mightian Union and the Republic of Sartia.


Located in northern Galandria at the southern end of the Severed Sea, Shuddermount Island takes its name from the massive dormant volcano near the center of the island, known only as Shuddermount for its frequent, intense tremors in the millennia prior to its ongoing period of silence. Typically for one of volcanic origin, the island is fairly round save for its western peninsulas and gently slopes upward in elevation from the wetlands and temperate forests of its coast to the high mountains and grasslands of its interior.   Prevailing winds from the Severed Sea mean that the northwestern side of the island, currently occupied by the Mightian Union, receives significantly more rainfall than the southeastern side, currently occupied by the Republic of Sartia. The Sunsireverf, Oxbreak, Osemon, Grasshear, and Dograsp Rivers can be found on the windward side, while the relatively smaller Dirongrame and Coldpass Rivers can be found on the leeward side.


The ecosystems of the windward and leeward sides of Shuddermount Island vary significantly.
The northwestern side of the island is dominated by temperate rainforests and swampy wetlands, though mild temperatures due to the island's northern location have kept the most troublesome flora and fauna from taking root. The rainforests abound with all manner of monkeys, birds, and insects, though they thankfully lack the horrors that mosquitos are. Other species of birds and insects, along with numerous reptiles such as caimans and crocodiles, can be found within the vast wetlands. All manner of flora dominates this side of the island, some beautiful, some dangerous, some medicinal, and some sacred.   In contrast, the southeastern side holds its fair share of coastal rainforests but largely lacks wetlands and instead abounds with deciduous forests throughout the foothills of the Minhal Mountains, which take up a significant portion of its interior. Within these mountains can be found high taigas and grasslands. Though many of the rainforest flora and fauna found in the northern rainforests can also be found in the rainforests here, many ground-dwelling creatures such as small mammals and lagomorphs, along with sizable herds of deer, fill the forests of the foothills. Hardier creatures such as elk and mountain goats can be found higher in the mountainous taigas, while small rodents subsist on the sparse precipitation of the high grasslands. Delicate alpine flowers dot the highest ranges, many of which are prized across Galandria for their great beauty.

Ecosystem Cycles

Though ecosystems remain fairly constant and stable throughout the year in Sartia due to its mild temperatures and the Minhal Mountains' blocking of the wind, cold, harsh winters on the northwestern side mean that many creatures of the rainforests and wetlands go into hibernations of a sort during this season. As such, Smotian society tends to farm year-round and supplement their diet with some hunting, while much of Mightian's food supply comes from hunting during the summer, as few crops grow quickly enough to avoid the onset of winter.

Localized Phenomena

The perpetual storms of the Severed Sea far to the north of the island are said to still be barely visible on the horizon from the docks of Goldbreak, though few venture toward them in this day and age as all past exploration efforts have ended in failure.   Shuddermount continues to mystify the island's people, as while its heavy millennia-long rumbling is well-recorded in the island's history, no eruptions are ever known to have occurred and the mountain itself fell silent roughly 2300 years ago prior to the Great Upheaval. Many Anorians worship the mountain as the physical embodiment of Winhal, the Unseen Rook, their primary deity.


The climate on the leeward side of the island, where much of Sartia is located, tends to be fairly mild year-round if a bit chilly. The Minhal Mountains, however, are known for their freezing winters, and temperatures there rarely climb above freezing even during the summer.   The windward side of the island, where Mightia is located, shares Sartia's summer temperatures but tends to be quite cold during winters. Snowfall is not uncommon and harsh winds often blow in from the sea.

Natural Resources

Much of Shuddermount Island's resources come from the Sartians. Nearly all of the island's farming and ranching is done on this side, and much of the island's wood exports come from its deciduous forests. Mining has also traditionally been carried out in the Minhal Mountains, though ore exhaustion and an ongoing war between the two states have caused operations to largely shrink away.   Though Mightia does not hold as many natural resources as its southern neighbor, peat mining is a major industry throughout its extensive wetlands. Fishing is also quite lucrative, as much of the union's population is concentrated near the coast.


See the timeline at the bottom of the page.


The Minhal Mountains have long been a major draw for winter tourists across Galandria, as they are the highest mountains that can be found outside of the Kerez Empire and its vassals. Sledding and other winter sports were quite popular for many years, though tourism has largely fallen away since the onset of warfare between the two states of Shuddermount.
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Venaru Era

3100 PA 1956 PA

This era, named for the Elvish word for "connection", was the time period prior to the Great Severance between roughly 3100 PA and 1956 PA, during which the outside world remained accessible to the people of Galandria.

  • Circa 3100 PA
    Ancestors Arrive
    Era beginning/end

    Supposedly guided by the goddess Ryasesi, the first settlers arrive on the northernmost peninsula of modern-day Shuddermount Island and dub it Promela, an abbreviated form of the Common phrase "Promised Land".

    Additional timelines
  • Circa 3095 PA
    Heroniad/Goldbreak Founded

    Having initially settled in small encampments throughout Shuddermount Island's northern rainforests, the first explorers officially found the town of Heroniad, later Goldbreak, initially named for the captain of the first ship to land.

    Additional timelines
  • Circa 2900 PA
    Coastal Exploration Concludes
    Discovery, Exploration

    With the founding of the town of Rusthclif on the island's southwestern peninsula, the arduous exploration of the island's coastline comes to a close.

  • 2830 PA

    Ryasela Founded

    Having been largely mapped and with trade networks tentatively establishing themselves between its settlements, Shuddermount Island's first kingdom of Ryasela is founded with its capital city of Heroniad. The kingdom spans the entire island.

    Additional timelines
  • Circa 2680 PA
    Minhal Mountains are Charted
    Discovery, Exploration

    Exploration and charting of the harsh and bitterly cold Minhal Mountains concludes after several generations of expeditions. Shuddermount, previously having been discussed only as legend, is finally mapped in an official context, and the island's namesake is changed to reflect this landmark.

  • 1956 PA

    The Great Severance
    Era beginning/end

    The residents of Heroniad awake one day to find that the constant flow of ships between the outside world and their docks has abruptly ceased. Reconnaissance expeditions reveal the onset of a massive and unending storm, dubbed the Storm of Severance, which permanently severs Galandria's link with the outside world.

    Additional timelines

Podana Era

1955 PA 1 PA

This era, named for the Elvish word for "prosperity", was the time period between the Great Severance and the Great Upheaval. This period was marked by great wealth and technological prosperity for the people of Galandria following their permanent isolation from the outside world.

  • Circa 1140 PA
    Ryasela Falls

    Motivated by unknown causes assumed to involve dissatisfaction with the ruling family of Ryasela, equally unknown parties orchestrate a successful revolution that deposes them and plunges the island into a period of instability.

  • Circa 1120 PA
    Berhiela Founded

    Following roughly two decades without an island-wide government, Shuddermount Island is once again united under the Kingdom of Berhiela. Though information about this kingdom is sparse, its capital is known to have been located at a site near the modern town of Cagonbrook and it is believed to take its namesake from the first queen.

  • Circa 630 PA
    Shuddermount Goes Quiet
    Geological / environmental event

    Shuddermount, having displayed strong activity in the form of tremors and quakes since the original settlers' arrival some 2500 years prior, goes silent and does not reawaken.

  • -1 PA

    The Shuddermount Upheaval
    Military: War

    Spurred by unknown motivations, the Great Upheaval occurs and Shuddermount Island, like the rest of Galandria, is thrown into absolute chaos. In the ensuing carnage, nearly every settlement on the island, save for Heroniad, Rusthclif, and Shaleverc, is destroyed and much of the island's historical and technological records burn. The Kingdom of Berhiela falls and none of the royal family is believed to have survived.

Mahani Era

1 MA and beyond

This era, named for the Elvish word for "arisen", is the current era following the Great Upheaval. This era has been marked by the almost complete rebuilding of Galandrian civilization from the ground up.

  • 54 MA

    15 /6

    Goldbreak Officially Refounded
    Civil action

    Rebuilding upon the ashes of Shuddermount's Podana Era civilization, the surviving citizens of Heroniad and refugees from the surrounding territory officially rename the settlement Goldbreak after an ancient golden shrine to Ryasesi located at the edge of town that was destroyed during the Great Upheaval. Seeking to move on from the pain of the past, the change is made to mark a new era for the city while remembering the tragedies that have occurred.

  • 152 MA

    8 /7

    Brirereme Founded

    The city of Brirereme is founded to the southwest of Goldbreak with the intention of it serving as the island's capital city. The island's burgeoning government, seeking to restore stability to the island, is officially relocated to new facilities in this settlement.

  • 157 MA

    2 /11

    Constitutional Monarchy Established
    Political event

    With the capital newly established, the Shuddermount provisional government decides to reestablish a constitutional monarchy to lead the island's people. The acting leader, Shalador Sprinwallde, is chosen to serve as the first king, and the newly established kingdom is dubbed Primaria.

  • 273 MA

    29 /4

    Sart Founded

    Struggling with limited support from and access to the city of Brirereme due to the island's terrain, residents of Rusthclif and Shaleverc, along with additional towns that have been founded since the Great Upheaval, found the city of Sart at a central location on the island's southeastern coast. The city is intended to serve as a regional capital of sorts and strengthen the island's infrastructure on the side opposite from the majority of its population.

  • 342 MA

    12 /7

    Minhal Track Completed
    Construction beginning/end

    Following several decades of slow, incomplete work, the 388-mile Minhal Track is finally completed, directly linking the cities of Brirereme and Sart for the first time.

  • 779 MA

    18 /9

    Sermadon Tsunami
    Disaster / Destruction

    A large tsunami impacts the eastern side of the island, wiping out the coastal cities of Holderhade, Madham, Sermadon, and Dralehall. All but Sermadon, which was destroyed with no survivors due to its location at the tip of the Stormreach Peninsula, are rebuilt further inland.

  • 826 MA

    1 /3

    Sartian Autonomous Republic Established

    Having experienced a population boom in recent centuries and frustrated by both their lack of self-determination and the Primarian government's lack of assistance following the Sermadon Tsunami, civilians across Shuddermount Island's southeastern side band together and form the breakaway Sartian Autonomous Republic, establishing an independent government headquartered in Sart.

  • 829 MA

    14 /10
    829 MA

    17 /10

    Skirmish at Claymond
    Military: Skirmish

    Angered by the Primarian Kingdom's refusal to recognize their government and an oncoming invasion along the Minhal Track, the Sartians surprise the Primarians by quickly capturing the poorly defended western port city of Claymond.

  • 830 MA

    1 /1

    Treaty of Claymond
    Diplomatic action

    Recognizing the superior resources and forces that the Sartians possess, Queen Eleanor Sprinwallde of the Kingdom of Primaria hastily arranges for a treaty to be made in order to preserve the kingdom's remaining territory and avoid greater loss of life. Meeting at the Claymond Magistrate's residence, Queen Sprinwallde and President Calibel Wildford of the Sartian Autonomous Republic sign the Treaty of Claymond, establishing mutual recognition, diplomatic relations, and an immediate end to all hostilities.

  • 850 MA

    1 /1

    Republic of Sartia Renamed
    Political event

    In celebration of its 20th anniversary as a state, the Sartian Autonomous Republic renames itself the Republic of Sartia.

  • 1321 MA

    3 /12

    Primaria Becomes the Mightian Union
    Political event

    Following several centuries of economic and societal decline, the Kingdom of Primaria has become resentful of the Republic of Sartia and resolves to reclaim its former glory. Abolishing the now ineffective monarchy, an authoritarian government led by President Dernaden Faramet comes to power and renames the country the Mightian Union.

  • 1589 MA

    2 /6

    The Shuddermount War Begins
    Military: War

    Having built up its military forces to rival those of the Republic of Sartia, the Mightian Union declares war on its neighbor.

    Additional timelines
  • 1636 MA

    Bearwood Portal Discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    An ancient stone portal, believed to be part of a Podana Era-network of travelling doors scattered throughout the islands of Galandria, is discovered during an archaeological dig in the modern city of Bearwood. Whether it is still usable or how it can be activated remain unknown.

  • 1684 MA

    4 /3
    1684 MA

    17 /5

    Bombardment of Claymond
    Military: Battle

    In the first major move in a war that was initially seen as a largely ceremonial declaration, the Mightian Third Brirereme Regiment began bombarding the Sartian city of Claymond, determined to reclaim it. Though the city's sizable garrison is able to hold off the invasion, the Mightians' heavy bombardment renders most of the city uninhabitable, forcing most of its inhabitants to evacuate to Rusthclif. The city continues to suffer from occasional bombardment, preventing it from being resettled.


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