Naryat ovat Naremman saarella ja sen ympäristössä asuvaa ihmiskansaa. Heillä on pitkät merenkäynnin perinteet, ja he ovat taitavia laivanrakentajia. He käyvät kauppaa niin lähelle kuin kauas.
Merkittävät kieliperheet ja murteet
Naryat puhuvat omaa kieltänsä, ja murre-erot saaren eri puolilla ovat vähäiset. On tavallista, etenkin ylempien luokkien keskuudessa, että he osaavat myös yleiskieltä.
Yhteiset käytännöt ja arvot
Vieraanvaraisuus, kunnia, rohkeus, muttei uhkarohkeus. Pelkuruus on häpeällistä.
Yleiset etikettisäännöt
Politeness and respecting other people is highly valued. Also one should know their place in social hierarchy and not step over social boundaries. Hospitality is very important, and if someone needs help, it is considered everybody's duty to help.
Naryas are generally happy people and like to have fun, but they are also proud and might be easily offended. One should carefully consider what to say in order not to offend anyone.
More leeway is allowed for people like healers, magicians and artists.
Yleinen pukukoodi
Naiset pukeutuvat peittävästi, ja naimisissa olevat tai lapsen saaneet naiset eivät saa näyttää hiuksiaan, vaan ne peitetään huivilla kodin ulkopuolella.
Miehet pukeutuvat kapeahihaisiin paitoihin ja kapeisiin housuihin, ja kevyisiin nahkatossuihin.
Men should be tall and muscular, but agile. Naryas are naturally brown-skinned, but darker brown is considered better, because it probably means you spent more time out on the sea.
Women should be tall and lean. Grace and elegance are greatly valued.
Both men and women should carry their heads high and stand straight. A sloppy posture is undesirable.
One should take care of their appearance. Men should shave their beards and women should keep their hair neat and clean. Children's hair should be appropriately cut, and cleanliness is everything.
The naryas have quite strict gender roles and ideals. Girls should marry young, have many children, and then be a good mother for the children. They should also be able to do household chores like sew, embroider, repair things and cook. Married women, or women who have children, cover their heads with scarves, no hair is allowed to show. Women are expected to dress modestly and not show a lot of skin or their body shape.
Men should be courageous and proud, and do a lot of the physical work around the house, like chopping firewood, carrying water, doing work in the fields and garden etc. Men should dress neatly and modestly too.
The gender roles can be bent in occupations like sailor, soldier, magician or healer. Few women choose paths like soldier or sailor, but it is not unheard of.
Marry young, and stay together. For men, it is acceptable to have younger lovers, with whom they can have more children, after their wife's child count is full. It is normal for a husband and wife to be close in age, and only once they have had their own children, is it acceptable for the man to get lovers. It is not acceptable for women to have lovers or the opposite sex, however they can have female lovers. Marriage between same sex is not allowed, but they can have affairs and same sex couples can even live together but it is not ideal and some people might frown upon it.
A woman is not able to marry easily however, if they already have kids with a lover. But even a woman who has kids and is not married, can otherwise have a fulfilling role in society. Arranged marriage is fairly normal especially within the higher social classes, but it is as common to marry for love too, or to choose your own partner for other reasons than love.
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