A Dentist?

Verug, Female Goblin
  A peculiar establishment with a questionable sign, where goblins may or may not attend to dental needs. The air around this place carries a mix of uncertainty and curiosity, as passersby wonder about the unique services offered within. Usually their dental services include taking out metal teeth to sell. She has pasty, light-green skin and deep-set, beady green eyes. Her medium-length straight black hair is tied in a ponytail. She has a face that's seen a few fights - broken nose, scarred ear. This is mostly from flailing limbs of patients. She is 17 years old (young adult), 4 ft, 0 in (122 cm) tall, and weighs 42 lbs (19 kg). Has a string of teeth attached to fishing line around their neck. Will do dental work for either sentient people or animals. Usually will offer to replace a filling with a fake tooth for payment, taking the gold from the filling.
  uses a tool she dubs the plaquescratcher
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