Adric Sunskin, Lantrun of the Forest

Lantrun Adric Sunskin

Adric Sunskin is a figure of unwavering honour and strength, revered as the Lantrun, or leader, of the Forest Faction within the Merkaynian Enclave. This esteemed group, bound by their devotion to Merkayne, the deity of Strength and Honour, upholds the motto, "Live Right, No Different in the Dark Nor Light." As a Vespin elf from Queenston, the Gaulan capital within the Incantum Forest, Adric embodies the principles of his faction, serving as a beacon of protection for the weak and vulnerable.
  With greenish-yellow skin and dark blonde hair, Adric's appearance is as striking as his reputation. He wears emerald armor that gleams with the hues of the forest, intricately designed to reflect the natural beauty and resilience of the Aelfe. His strong yet slim build is complemented by a tower shield crafted in the traditional wood Aelfe aesthetic, a testament to his dedication to both his people and his cause.
  Invited by Rootmother Anvara Wolfsbane to provide additional protection for the royal guests at the Conveyance of the Green, Adric's presence is a symbol of trust and respect. Having already received tribute from the reclusive Cutleaf elves, who have closed their borders after the attack on Princess Alyssum, Adric now joins the royal procession as they journey to Eleyond. He understands the gravity of the Conveyance, an event that occurs once every 3500 years when the Cathedral Treants pass on their titles to the next generation of Oakenfolk. Adric's vigilance is heightened, knowing that this is when the forest is at its most vulnerable, as the ancient guardians lay themselves to rest in the Botanoron. His presence, both commanding and reassuring, is a reminder of the strength and honor that the Merkaynian Enclave brings to the defense of the forest and its people.
  As a esteemed member of the Merkaynian Enclave, you preach their motto of Live Right, No Different in the Dark Nor Light. You were invited by the Rootfather because the Enclave is looked so well upon and Rootfather Anthura Wolfsbane thought you could be extra protection for all his royal guests. On top of that, you have already received the tribute from the Cutleaf elves who will not attend. They have shut their borders a few years previous after their Princess Alyssum was attacked by an outsider. You now meet the royal procession as they make the journey to Eleyond to bear witness to the Conveyance of the Green, when the 5 Cathedral Treants of the Forest pass on their titles to the next generation of Oakenfolk. You know this time, which only happens once every 3500 years, is when the forest is most vulnerable as the Cathedral Oakenfolk lay themselves to rest in the Botonoron.
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