
by Brad Malott

  Queenston is the only major settlement in the province of Elladria, which is mostly made up of lumber mills and cleared forest. The city of Queenston is known for its large building called the Arbori Arcanum, which is a mix of wood elf architecture and strong stone keeps of the humans. The large pillars around the walls of this keep have native trees growing out the top of them, their roots wrapping down the cylindrical make of the castle turrets. The Arbori Arcanum is built on a hill overlooking Elladria and the stairs to get to the front are steep and crooked as the builders found a place to put the stairs while not disturbing the natural rockface too much. The city is also a major center for logging and woodworking, with many sawmills and woodworkers located within its walls.
  Defenses: The capital is surrounded by rammed-earth walls. 524 trained warriors serve in the capital's defense, and a militia of 6866 can be mustered in case of attack.
  Description: The tavern is a log cabin, with a white tile roof and a big brick chimney. It contains a small bell over the door and a large stew pot over a fire.
  Location: In an arcane quarter. The street outside is adjacent to a large home. Description: The jeweler is a stucco two-storey building, with an orange shingled roof and nicely trimmed hedges. Several battered shields hang on the walls. It contains a high vaulted ceiling and a leather bound bag with hundreds of compartments on the counter.
  Description: The enchanter is a brick and sprawling single storey building, with a reinforced wooden door and a row of flowers around the building. A small dragon's skull hangs over the hearth. It contains a beautiful oak countertop and a globe with scribbled on leylines.
  The general store is a timber and brick two-storey building, with an orange shingled roof and tile flooring. It contains a crossbow sitting on the counter and barrels full of bulk food. The owner raises wolves.
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