Aldrek, Father of Storms

storm dragon died locking away Ulag Kras after he was awakened to shape Pacura. This act was what set Sootha off, Maximus realized she was losing sight of the safety of their people by releasing this monster. partner dragon to Keldrith. Now rests in an ancient cavern under what is now Zephyr. The island they protect was once called Zukatan   Aldrek, the ancient storm dragon of Zukatan, was a majestic and imposing figure. His massive wings spanned the length of a small ship, and his scales shimmered with an iridescent sheen that glimmered in the sunlight. Lightning arced from his nostrils as he roared, calling forth the very elements of the sky to do his bidding.   For centuries, Aldrek and his lover Keldrith, the dragon of the wind, had patrolled the island chain, keeping the peace and safeguarding the people from any harm. Aldrek was revered as a deity by the islanders, and they knew that as long as he and Keldrith were watching over them, they were safe from harm.   But then, a great sea beast had awoken from its slumber and began to ravage the island chain, destroying everything in its path. Aldrek knew what he had to do. He flew out to meet the beast head-on, calling forth a massive storm that raged across the sea.   In a mighty clash of thunder and lightning, Aldrek battled the sea beast with all his might. The two titans clashed, each unleashing powerful blows that shook the very foundations of the earth. In the end, Aldrek emerged victorious, but at a great cost. He had expended all his strength in the battle, and in his dying breath, he sealed away the sea beast, ensuring that it would never again threaten the safety of the island chain.   Now, Aldrek's memory lives on as a legend, a symbol of the islanders' strength and resilience. And on stormy nights, some say they can still hear his mighty roar echoing across the sky, a reminder of the bravery and sacrifice of the great storm dragon of Zukatan.


Keldrith, Aspect of the Winds


Towards Aldrek, Father of Storms

Aldrek, Father of Storms


Towards Keldrith, Aspect of the Winds

Current Location