Annalise Boggan
Annalise Boggan
Biological parent of Mart Quickmark
4E 555 - 400
her granchildren trained in archery with the wood elves.
Living in the marshy terrains of Imlar Honan, Annalise was renowned for her diplomatic prowess. With the backdrop of swamp elf territory. Respected by both the people of Retch and the swamp elves, Annalise played an instrumental role in forging partnerships based on mutual respect and understanding. Her forward-thinking saw her grandchildren training in archery with the elves, joining cultures and cementing bonds that would endure for generations.
4E 555 - 400
her granchildren trained in archery with the wood elves.
Living in the marshy terrains of Imlar Honan, Annalise was renowned for her diplomatic prowess. With the backdrop of swamp elf territory. Respected by both the people of Retch and the swamp elves, Annalise played an instrumental role in forging partnerships based on mutual respect and understanding. Her forward-thinking saw her grandchildren training in archery with the elves, joining cultures and cementing bonds that would endure for generations.
Current Location
Year of Birth
505 BHM
717 Years old
Andrias Quickmark