Anubane Rhytyn I

101 - 206   The eldest of the siblings, Anubane Rhytyn I was known for his contemplative nature and spiritual devotion. His light brown skin and dark hair were often draped in the muted reds and yellows typical of desert attire. As a scholar of ancient texts and a practitioner of desert magic, he dedicated his life to preserving the cultural heritage of his people. His deep connection to the moon spirits and the ancient rituals made him a respected figure in Odell, though his life was cut short at age 34 as his Tombking father Ahti reinstated the Dentorran Moon sacrifices. Ennobled blood sacrificed provided foresight to aid the murderer in moving their region forward in prosperity. Anubane I was sacrificed on the same day as his fifteen year old brother.
Current Location
84 AHM 118 AHM 34 years old