Anubane Rhytyn IV

101 - 206   Anubane Rhytyn IV was the fourth sibling, distinguished by his interest in the spiritual aspects of their culture. His father was very distant and never seemed pleased with anything him or his brothers did. Anubane IV had heard rumours of his late older brothers dying for the betterment of their region, when Anubane IV was eleven, his immediate older brother also disappeared. When he p inquired to his father Ahti about this, his father simply said that none of them were right to take his place. At this point his father was five years short of a centenarian. He continued to seek out information but the servants were tight lipped, one would not tell him what happened but urged him to flee into the city and become one with the commoners. Anubane IV did not heed these warnings and on his twelfth birthday, he too was sacrificed by his father so that Ahti could gain foresight.
Current Location
135 AHM 147 AHM 12 years old