Arcus Sheerfall, Extinguished of the North

Byycon Arcus Swansong

High ranking and renowned member of the Merkaynian Enclave. Arcus led the Northern Enclave during the Battle of Snowpeak. During that battle, his battalion shifted rank and defended the native frost elves when it became clear the this call from Highking Hector Fortcrusher was racially biased and not to protect anyone but the Church of Dhara. Arcus and his men held their own until the final standoff against the Mooncrest Marauders and their eager young general Barren Blackcherry. Arcus died of his wounds received during the skirmish and was Buried using the ancestral marigold rites of the Merkaynian Enclave.   A legendary hero of the Merkaynian Enclave.   His name was besmirched for years for years after the Battle of Snowpeak for being a traitor.   Only once the genocide of the frost elves come to light did the people realize that he was protecting from the slaughter the Church of Dhara was taking part in.   The two other main commanders in this army were Sir Nikolas Heartstring of the High Guard and Barren Blackcherry who eventually went on to restart the Cardinalhood with Rayne Cross
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
72 AHM 194 AHM 122 years old
Circumstances of Death
Laid to rest after holding off Barren Blackcherry’s forces trying to save the frost elves.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark blue
Other Affiliations