
Argos has many forges where gnomes, halfings and dwarves work. The sky is blackened by the smoke.   Population: 6,564, Size: 106 acres Wealth: 984,600 gp. Max value for sale: 2,166 gp. Max pawn value: 11,487 gp Demographics: Half-Elf (100%)   Detailed Demographics   Highmore has outlawed worship of traditional gods, and is known for its decadence. An iron-willed ruler demands respect from the populace.   Shops   Tavern: Naill's Owner: Naill Siannodel, Male Half-Elf [Details]   Location: In a civic quarter. The street outside is filled with the smell of damp earth. Description: The tavern is a adobe big orb-like building, with an orange shingled roof and a pillared curved-roof entryway. It is well-lit by a few magical torches. It contains a crossbow sitting on the counter and very few tables and chairs. Quests and Rumors Specials: Owlbear Pie with Garden Greens and a Glass of Vodka (5 sp) Owlbear Burger and a Glass of Vodka (4 sp) Drake Burger with Barley Biscuits and a Tankard of Cider (5 sp)   Other Patrons: Bethrynna Berevan, Female Half-Elf [Details] Adran Zhanini, Male Half-Elf [Details] Ivellios Arnuanna, Male Half-Elf [Details] Halimath Galanodel, Male Half-Elf [Details] Faral Cithreth, Female Half-Elf [Details] Rolen Ryoma, Male Half-Elf [Details] Blacksmith: The Bulette's Shield Owner: Roger Caphaxath, Male Half-Elf [Details]   Location: In the main street near the town gate. The street outside is lined with a low stone wall. Description: The blacksmith is a brick cabin, with a heather-thatched roof and a koi pond. It contains a large candelabra and a mess of tools and supplies scattered around the shop. Specials: Plate Armor (phb 145) (1,461 gp) Splint Armor (phb 145) (195 gp) Armor, +1 (dmg 152) (1,439 gp)   Other Patrons: None Alchemist: Gerald's Decoction Owner: Gerald Ethanasath, Male Half-Elf [Details]   Location: In a side street near the town gate. The street outside is next to a large public square. Description: The alchemist is a wooden large single storey building, with a brown shingled roof and well-made wooden furniture. It contains low ceilings and red paper candles all around the store. It's unusually noisy, with a venomous cleric trying to raise a mob. Specials: Potion of Water Breathing (dmg 188) (177 gp) Potion of Fire Giant Strength (dmg 187) (762 gp) Potion of Fire Giant Strength (dmg 187) (770 gp)   Other Patrons: Nim Caerdonel, Male Half-Elf [Details] Galiena Iathrana, Female Half-Elf [Details] Jeweler: The Sapphire Necklace Owner: Naeris Tiltathana, Male Half-Elf [Details]   Location: In a market district. The street outside has a beggar harassing passers-by and has a pickpocket looking for marks. Description: The jeweler is a timber framed single storey building, with a gray shingled roof and finely-crafted furniture. A number of hunting trophies line the walls. It contains curtains draped over the walls and several framed paintings of necklaces. Specials: Crystal Arcane Focus (phb 151) (10 gp) Ring of Water Walking (dmg 193) (1,495 gp) Exquisite Earrings (4 gp)   Other Patrons: Traulam Evans, Female Half-Elf [Details] General Store: The Gorged Clockworks Owner: Theren Cithreth, Male Half-Elf [Details]   Location: In the artisan's district. The street outside has a pickpocket looking for marks. Description: The general store is a wooden sprawling single storey building, with a brown tile roof and finely-crafted furniture. It contains several paintings on the wall and several shipment crates are sitting on the floor. Specials: Vial (phb 153) (1 gp) Vial (phb 153) (1 gp) Scale, Merchant's (phb 153) (5 gp)   Other Patrons: Erevan Richie, Male Half-Elf [Details] Mary Nailo, Female Half-Elf [Details] Theobald Staurheim, Male Half-Elf [Details] Housing   Small Cottage Owner: Quelenna Dalanthan, Female Half-Elf [Details] Map   The house is a concrete rowhouse, with a blue tile roof and well-made wooden furniture. It contains a single bachelor-style room with a bed and dresser. In the middle of the room is a simple cooking pot over an open flame. Cured meats are hung in bundles from the rafters.
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