
medium city on Kinaros
  Bairteiras is a tranquil town situated in the heart of a warm, lush tropical rainforest in the Kinaros province of Pacura. The town is home to a diverse population made up of mostly Pacuran and Vohkin who are devout followers of the goddess Sootha. The local Elder is respected by all and is known for their wisdom and impartiality.
  Amara Keth is a wise and compassionate leader who has guided Bairteiras through many challenges. She is known for her exceptional listening skills and her ability to bring people together to find common ground. Amara is deeply respected by the people of Bairteiras for her dedication to justice and her unwavering commitment to the community's well-being.
  One of the main attractions of the town is the public bath house, which not only provides a place for residents to cleanse and relax, but also serves as a social hub where people can gather to catch up on the latest news and gossip. The bath house is beautifully adorned with intricate carvings and mosaics, and its hot springs provide a soothing escape from the humid jungle climate.
  The town itself is nestled on a small island surrounded by the sea, giving it a sense of seclusion and exclusivity. The lush vegetation provides a constant source of natural beauty and fresh fruit, and the town's inhabitants take great pride in maintaining the cleanliness and tranquility of their surroundings.
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