
Baroda, one of the prominent provinces within Steelgale, paints a canvas of contrasting landscapes. To the north, vast tar fields stretch out, shimmering under the relentless sun, while the south boasts undulating grasslands which rustle with the whispers of history. The eastern regions, studded with mines, reflect the relentless industrious spirit of the people, while the west is marked by the Serpent's Spine Mountains, jagged peaks that hold many mysteries.
  The Pillars of Baros: Located near the heart of the province, these are a series of towering stone structures, standing at seemingly random intervals. Legend has it that they are the remnants of an ancient city, now lost to time. On the summer solstice, their shadows align perfectly, pointing directly to the provincial capital, Kephi.
  Serpent's Lair Cave: Situated in the Serpent's Spine Mountains, this expansive cave system is said to have been the home of a mighty steel dragon. Though the dragon is no more, the caves shimmer with metallic hues, and many believe they hold buried treasures.
  Tar Lake: Not far from Dorodedura, this vast, still body of liquid tar resembles a serene lake from a distance. It serves both as a source of tar and as a unique natural wonder. At dawn, the lake often reflects a myriad of colors, leading to its nickname, "The Mirror of Dawn."
  The Steel Orchard: Found in the grasslands, this unique "orchard" comprises of metal trees, believed to have been created as a monument by ancient metal-benders. Each "tree" rings with a distinct note when struck, and on windy days, they create a hauntingly beautiful melody.
  Baroda's Colossal Anvil: Situated at the entrance of Ojiri, this gargantuan anvil, made from a fusion of various metals, symbolizes Baroda's metalworking heritage. It's said that the greatest blacksmiths in the province once used it, and now, annual forging festivals are held here, where craftsmen demonstrate their skills in public.
  Ojiri Baroda Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 1910 25
  Timjutong Baroda Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 6396 164
  Odoteboji Baroda Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 4834 541
  Maraleama Baroda Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 1738 240
  Kephi Baroda Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 14240 305
  Ronulii Baroda Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 9922 305
  Dorodedura Baroda Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 3803 131 port
  Masalongu Baroda Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 3719 33
  Osei Baroda Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 1858 240
  Wafiaye Baroda Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 1804 352
  Malmafampa Baroda Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 1777 665