
small village in Dranggurin
  Bornes is a village nestled in the heart of the Drangurinn province of Zoa. The surrounding landscape is stark and bleak, with icy winds howling through the frigid grassland. The village itself is small and somber, with most of its buildings constructed from rough-hewn stone and thick timber to provide shelter from the harsh elements.
  Life thrives in Bornes thanks to the natural energy provided by the village's hot springs and geysers. These bubbling pools of warm water serve as a source of heat and light for the settlement, with many of the houses featuring cleverly designed piping systems that bring the warm water directly into their homes. The villagers have learned to harness the power of the geysers as well, using their steam to power simple machines and tools.
  The population of Bornes is made up of a mix of Zoan, Arctic Dwarf and Yergralffe, all of whom hold Dhara, the martyr of Liberation, in high esteem. The Harrangur of the village, Sariel, is a wise and respected leader who is known for her devotion to the natural world. The villagers are a resilient people who take pride in their ability to survive and thrive in even the harshest of environments.
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