Brynja Froststeel

Vokervika is a town that exudes power and control. As one approaches the town, the sight of a looming lighthouse with a red roof dominates the landscape. The town's architecture is predominantly made of imposing stone structures that give off a sense of intimidation. The air is cool and damp, with a mix of salty ocean and earthy forest scents. The town is nestled deep within a mixed forest, which seems to close in on the settlement, creating a feeling of confinement and darkness.
  The population of the town is mostly Arctic Dwarf who worship Tinnadu the Seabringer. They are a proud people who carry themselves with a sense of superiority. The Chief of the town, Brynja Froststeel, is a commanding figure who demands respect from all who cross her path.
  The town is guarded by a well-trained army that is always on high alert, ready to defend the settlement at a moment's notice. The port is an important hub of trade, with massive ships docking regularly to offload their goods.
Current Location
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