Cave of Fates

Inside this Cave the weather was finally calm, at least in part of it. The centre of this cavern there was a thunderstorm raging, unnatural as it shot hurricane force winds, ice cold rain and lightning all around the cavern. In the centre was a turtle shell carved with the rune of Skiron, the Martyr of Storms and Fate, the artifact was placed in a hanging stalactite over a pool of water. Once you entered the main cavern, the storm began attacking you. Small sharp rocks jut out from the water below, allowing the whirlpool to careen you into an impaled death. The first bolt struck in between the trio and Yuliana was blasted into the current, immediately sinking under the waves. A large being formed from the elements and a personification of Skiron themself appeared before you. Sossari and Narissa leapt from rock to rock, tethering the god-like aspect to the rocks nearby, Narissa’s tether had metal woven into it as to not break at high speeds while griffin riding. This stops the electrical strike as the energy flowed into the rocks instead. Sossari caught sight of Yuliana alive clinging onto a rock, the aspect of Skiron recognized Sossari’s power and was focussing on her, seemingly as a test. Sossari yelled for Narissa to save Yuliana. Unfortunately this meant untethering the metal line and allowing Skiron to use his lightning again.   Narissa swung down and grabbed their fallen Doth Kai and Sossari stood against the child deity of Shoreez. With a large blast, electricity surged from the beast and connected with Sossari’s staff. For a moment the Skystaff Sossari wields had the rune of Skiron carved into through lightning heat but it began to fade away. She focussed on this power, almost being shown to her by Skiron and for a moment felt the power of a full strength Shoreez. Sossari sizzled with electricity as wings of lightning spread from her back and lifted into the air, pointing her Skystaff at Skiron. Electricity surged back as the water crashed violently. Narissa and Yuliana were swept under the waves.   The beast was overpowered as Shoreez unrelented with electricty. Sossari caption control of the being’s storm cloud and brought more lightning down onto Skiron The beast stayed floating in its form of storm and rain but it’s body calmed for a moment as it took a moment to recover. Sossari used her lightning wings to cross the cave and fly towards the artifact in the centre. Her extra energy began to fade and she dropped right before making it to the Center pedestal, her wings of lightning were gone. Just as she dropped, the aspect of Skiron reawakened and started charging up. Sossari was holding onto the pedestal, she had used mold earth to latch onto the stalactite. She climbed up and grabbed the carved runic shell just as Skiron turned to grab her with his electrified hand. As Sossari grabbed the artifact, Skiron faded away, his body began to spin and twist together, in a tornado like form this current of rain and lightning carved the full rune into the Skystaff and sizzled with a spark. The waters of the cavern began to drop, magically disappearing. At the bottom lay many bones of adventurers past and two unconscious friends of Sossari. She leapt down to them and neither was breathing, no heartbeat. Electricity charged in Sossari’s eyes as her staff had two balls of electricity form at each end. She placed the staff between them and shocked their lifeless bodies. Both of their hearts were jump started and they began coughing up water. Narissa pushed herself up and a small amount of electricity formed on her fingers. Yuliana’s eyes were glossed over as she placed her hand in the ground, water nearby attracted to her hand like a magnet, then suddenly a branching pattern of the water spread out from her palm. She mumbled to herself about things yet to be. Her eyes returned back and she looked confused. It seems Sossari gave each of them some power from Skiron. One holds the Storm in their hand and the other sees Fates.   Day 46 Another long walking journey to return to the village. Each of your new powers helped get you back safer. Yuliana seemed so overconfident with her steps, even when it seemed risky. She just kept saying “Don’t fret, this is not yet how we die” you return to griffins.
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