Cicero Windslayer

famed dragon hunter who sailed the seas, he actually was known to ferry them to safety and keep dragons hidden away on distant islands. He swore his crews to secrecy so that they were famed as Dragon Hunters while actually being saviors.
  Son of Otto, Great great grandson to Ivorus.

  Sailed the Dragonbane longship out of Seabright.
  Cicero Windslayer, scion of a storied lineage, carved his legacy upon the seas. Famed as a dragon hunter, his exploits concealed a noble purpose. Steering the Dragonbane longship from Seabright, Cicero, son of Otto, upheld the tradition of his forebears. A strategic mind and compassionate heart, he transformed dragon hunters into silent saviors, concealing the creatures on distant isles. His family's history, tethered to the last Dreadchief Ivorus Windslayer, blended with Cicero's altruism, creating a maritime saga where appearances deceived and legends were forged in secrecy.
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