
Seabright is a lively and festive town located in the Dresdon province of the Ivorian Heathlands. The population is made up of mostly Wyndan and Pacuran people, who worship Sootha the Sea Mother. The town is located in a cool, windswept deciduous forest and is home to Arabella Cowan, the Cinnidh Chief of the town.   Seabright is known for its thriving marketplace, where people come from all around to buy and trade goods from the sea. The town is also home to a large lighthouse and smooth rolling rock formations, which make it a unique and beautiful place to visit. The fishing homes here are built into the rock formations, with no foundations required as the rock is too hard to dig into.   One of the most notable features of Seabright is the circle of large stone tablets known as Seahenge. Despite being exposed to the salty air and weather for countless years, these tablets remain unburdened and intact, a testament to the ancient cultures that once lived here. The town is situated on the edge of a cove overlooking the sea, providing breathtaking views of the ocean and the ships that come and go from the port. With its jovial atmosphere and rich cultural history, Seabright is a must-visit destination for those exploring the Ivorian Heathlands.     Town in Dresdon         Influence Level: 3   Leader: ???  
Arebella Cowan
Character | Jun 22, 2024
  Title: ???   Faction: ???   Disposition: ???   Alliance: ???   Allies: ???   Enemies: ???   Religion: ???   Wealth: ???   Resources: ???   Military: ???   Ambitions: ???   Family: ???   Secrets: ???  
    Rock Formation (Similar to Peggy's Cove)​ ​No foundation on houses.​ ​Shops and fishing town.​ ​Big lighthouse ​
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