Cloudburst Coven

Wind mages of Zephyr, allied with other magical institutions like the Knowledge Collective and the Seekers. Symbol is a snowy white owl with antlers.
  Miryam Bellinger
  The Cloudburst Coven is a faction of highly skilled wind mages who have pledged their allegiance to the Stormblood Cynthia and the nation of Zephyr. They are a secretive group, operating from hidden towers and remote locations across the island, practicing their craft in solitude and only coming together in times of great need.
  The Coven is led by a powerful mage, who serves as the primary advisor to the Stormblood on all matters related to magic. Beneath the mage are several Circle Leaders, who oversee the training and development of the younger mages in their respective regions.
  The Cloudburst Coven is highly respected and sought after for their magical expertise. They have been known to lend their aid to other factions in times of crisis, but only if it aligns with their own interests and beliefs.
  Their magic is often used to power the island's windmills and keep the trade ships moving swiftly through the Slipstream Crags, but they are also feared for their ability to summon powerful storms and cause chaos in battle.

Articles under Cloudburst Coven