Crew of the Gobsnapper

Mako is the captain of this ship, a young Aqui Pacuran who specialized in retrofitting old ships for racing on the open sea before he became captain of this ship. He is handsome and has a wild adventurous spirit to him.
  Drupal is a newer shipmate, a plain dwarf who is an expert in intricate metal working and design. He used to work as a mask maker but found other purposes as he explored his research into magical items. Sometimes he hears a voice speaking to him, he believes it is the god Dhara. He is good at tinkering and fixing the more complicated parts of the ship. He is always slightly distracted. He believes he has found a rare essence vein, could power up for upcoming battles.
  Myravin is a seasoned sailor, a tall and lean woman with a rough exterior. She has scars on her face and arms from battles fought at sea, but she is a fierce fighter and fiercely loyal to Mako because she knew his mother. She is a Pacuran from Hydri and like an aunt to Mako. She sailed with Magnus during the Battle of Red
  Barnabas is the ship's cook, a rotund man with a jolly laugh and a never-ending supply of jokes. He is known for his delicious seafood chowder, which is a favorite among the crew. He is from Kinaros but knew Magnus, they were very old friends before the storm surge that took Max’s father away. Barnabas knows where Keldrith gets her daily whale feast from.
  Sable Tevesh is a quiet, mysterious woman who keeps mostly to herself. She is a skilled navigator and can navigate the most treacherous waters with ease. She is a barakek refugee who moved to Eidon. She previously worked for the settlement of Durke in the Baskhold but doesn’t speak much of her time there. She was sold to the reclusive leader there by Maven Grimbind in exchange for the barbarians that held up there to assist in an attack on The Hedgespire. They succeeded and allowed Maven in close, she cast a spell on the Eastking. This is when he disappeared for a decade, he had a child with Sable’s older sister Merredyd. Sable is hurt from being used as an item to be sold. She left 4 kids that all were just like their father.
  Finn Maleck is a strong man with a white stubble and a charming voice. He is the ship's first mate and is known for his strength and his love for a good brawl. His hair is white but he looks no older than twenty-five years old. Finn grew up in Turin but sailed with the Kraken so he knows Morty.
  Aria Grassbank is a young and sprightly forest gnome woman who serves as the ship's lookout. She is quick and nimble and has a keen eye for spotting danger on the horizon. She migrated to Eidon after Nak was destroyed. She saw the Shatterbrand save her village along with Sarvin and the Enclave. She has a fear of fire.
  Herrik is the ship's resident bard, a lute player with a voice that can soothe the most savage of beasts. He is always ready with a song or a tale to lift the crew's spirits. He is also from Barakek, saved and travelled to Eidon. A jester disciple of Stephanio. He heard tales of the Skygarde gangs being prepared for a massacre if the rumours of a Skytracer living is true. Each gang is funded by Floki, Sylvar or previously Addikus.
  Jax is a young boy, around 15, who has just joined the crew. He is eager to learn the ropes of sailing and is always ready to lend a hand. Young Eidon native who wants to see the sea. His father is a mudguard on Eidon
  Tia Dawnseer is a quiet Matatoran fire elf who serves as the ship's healer. She has a gentle touch and is skilled in the art of herbalism, using natural remedies to heal the sick and wounded. The open skies leave her constantly powered up to heal the crew with magic. She is in Pacura for unknown reasons, possibly a similar Rymschinga of the Pheori elves where they need to see the world. Though the Matatoran elves are much more free spirited than their mountain cousins.
  As the party boards the Gobsnapper, they are greeted by the crew - a diverse group of individuals with unique talents and backgrounds. Mako, the captain, exudes a confident and adventurous spirit, while Drupal, the ship's tinkerer and metalworker, brings a level of expertise to the more complex machinery on board.
  Myravin, a scarred and battle-hardened sailor, commands respect with her fierce loyalty to Mako and her ability to navigate the treacherous waters of Pacura. Barnabas, the jovial cook, keeps the crew well-fed with his delicious seafood chowder and infectious laughter.
  Sable, the mysterious navigator, has an uncanny ability to chart a safe course through even the most dangerous waters, while Finn, the first mate, lends his strength and charm to the crew. Aria, the energetic forest gnome, keeps a watchful eye on the horizon as the ship's lookout, and Hamish, the bard, lifts the spirits of the crew with his music and stories.
  Jax, the eager young sailor, is always ready to lend a hand and learn from the more experienced crew, while Tia, the quiet Matatoran fire elf, uses her knowledge of herbalism and magic to heal the sick and wounded. Together, the crew of the Gobsnapper is a well-rounded team with a variety of skills and personalities.