Duke of Stormwake

The Duke of Stormwake is a commanding figure who rules over the rugged coastal region on the edge of the Vast Sea with an iron grip. He is a tall and lean man, known for his imposing stature and formidable presence. He has a weathered appearance, with a strong jawline and a piercing gaze that hints at his determination and resoluteness. He has full command of the information his country receives and he wears armour a little too large for him to make him seem larger.
  The Duke is often seen wearing regal attire, adorned with symbols of his authority, such as a white crown adorned with bird nest themed motifs and a cape that billows in the wind. He carries himself with an air of authority, exuding confidence and power in his every step and gesture.
  The Duke has a somewhat eccentric personality. He is known to have a keen interest in history, particularly the tales of heroes and mythical creatures. He is quick to believe in legends and stories, often seeing them as absolute facts, and his conversations are often peppered with references to ancient tales and fabled beings.
  The Duke's castle, located on the cliffs overlooking the sea, is a grand structure that showcases the labor of the giants he has subjugated. The massive doorways and larger-than-life additions to the castle are a testament to the Duke's policy of utilizing giants for construction purposes. However, the giants are not particularly fond of the Duke, and tensions between them and the Duke's subjects may simmer beneath the surface.
  As a ruler, the Duke is known for his autocratic style, and his word is law within the Duchy of Stormwake. He is respected and feared by his subjects, who recognize his unwavering authority and the might of his military, which includes the formidable giants under his command. The Duke is also known for his ambitions to elevate Stormwake's status among neighboring nations, often seeking alliances and opportunities to expand his influence.