Duchy of Stormwake

The Duchy of Stormwake is a coastal nation located on the edge of the Vast Sea, known for its history of taking in and subjugating native giants from nearby countries. The Duke and his family hold absolute power as monarchs, ruling over the land and its people with an iron grip.
  The Duchy's history is marked by conflicts with neighboring countries that waged war against the giants who inhabited the region. Instead of driving the giants away, the Duke of Stormwake took them in, using them as servants in his castle or as part of his small military. Giants are a common sight in Stormwake, and the castle itself is a testament to their massive size, with doorways and additions built to accommodate their stature.
  The Duke of Stormwake is known to be eccentric, with a deep fascination for the mainland's rich history and a penchant for believing tales of heroism or myth as absolute fact. This quirk of the Duke's personality often shapes the policies and decisions of the Duchy, leading to unconventional approaches and beliefs.
  The giants in Stormwake, though subdued, do not particularly like the Duke, but they have come to accept their servitude as a trade-off for not being hunted by neighboring countries. The giants, who are long-lived and weary, serve in various roles within the Duchy, including as laborers, soldiers, or guards.
  In addition to its unique population of giants, Stormwake is also home to ordinary gaulan inhabitants who live under the rule of the Duke. The Duchy's society is structured with the Duke and his family at the top, followed by nobles, and then commoners. The Duke's word is law, and disobedience or dissent is dealt with severely.
Controlled Territories

Articles under Duchy of Stormwake