Eudey Aldurblud

father is Cedwyn Aldurblud
  father of Lyndrot Aldurblud
  Eudey Aldurblud is a tall and muscular man with short brown hair and piercing green eyes. He is known for his unwavering loyalty and dedication to his family and clan. As a skilled warrior, Eudey has spent much of his life training in swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat. He is also well-versed in the ancient lore and history of his people, and takes great pride in his heritage.
  Eudey is a quiet and introspective individual, but can be fiercely protective of those he loves. He is a man of few words, but when he does speak, his words carry great weight and wisdom. Eudey has a deep love for life and a great sense of humor, often finding joy in the simple things. He is a true adventurer at heart, always seeking out new challenges and experiences.
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