
Provincial Capital in Fjall. Large city
  Brugar is a grand and stately province capital nestled in the heart of the Fjall province of Zoa. The town's population is predominantly Zoan who revere the god Dhara. It is located in an icy and chilly temperate rainforest, where the ancient trees loom tall and imposing. The Harrangur of this place is Dirien, a wise and just leader beloved by the townspeople.
  The most striking feature of Brugar is its bustling port, which teems with sailors and traders from all over the world. The scent of saltwater and fish is carried on the cool breeze that blows in from the sea. The port is a hive of activity, with ships coming and going, and goods being loaded and unloaded on the docks.
  In the heart of Brugar lies a grand stronghold named Icepoint Hall. It is a formidable fortress that serves as a bastion against any who would threaten the town's safety. The walls are made of solid ice, and it is said that they are so thick that they have never been breached.
  The town itself is a mix of bustling streets and grand architecture, with impressive buildings and ornate fountains that harken back to a bygone era. The people of Brugar are friendly and welcoming, proud of their heritage and eager to share their traditions with any who visit.
  Population: 79,916, Size: 2,497 acres Demographics: Human (100%) Extra Details Nearby Points of Interest Wealth: 399,580,000 gp. Max value for sale: 26,372 gp. Max pawn value: 139,853 gp Detailed Demographics
  Brugar has a notable academy, and is known for its piety. The ruler (Oriel Wallace, Female Human) is on their death bed, with claimants competing for power.
  Defenses: The capital is surrounded by rammed-earth walls. 499 trained warriors serve in the capital's defense, and a militia of 8879 can be mustered in case of attack. The sheriff is Eloise Huxley, Female Human.
  Tavern | Blacksmith | Alchemist | Jeweler | Enchanter | General Store | Cottage | House
  Shops Tavern: The Giant Brothel Owner: Robert Weston, Male Human [Details]
  Location: In the main street near the town gate. The street outside has a town crier with the latest news and gossip. Description: The tavern is a brick single storey building, with a white shingled roof and simple furniture. It contains a high vaulted ceiling and a huge collection of alcohol behind the bar. Quests and Rumors | Map Specials: Bacon Burger and a Coffee (4 sp) Ham Burger with Cake and a Glass of Brandy (5 sp) Duck Soup and a Coffee (4 sp)
  Other Patrons: Trey Wilberforce, Male Human [Details] Isabella Wade, Female Human [Details] Geva Livingstone, Female Human [Details] Solomon Ainsworth, Male Human [Details] Frederick Thornton, Male Human [Details] Cory Law, Male Human [Details] Arnold Stanford, Male Human [Details] Giselle Beckwith, Female Human [Details] Rosalind Wordsworth, Female Human [Details] Anne Stanley, Female Human [Details] Herleva Emsworth, Female Human [Details] Norman Ainsley, Male Human [Details] Blacksmith: The Crossed Friend Owner: Maynild Thornton, Female Human [Details]
  Location: In a market quarter. The street outside has a town crier with the latest news and gossip. Description: The blacksmith is a wooden and large single storey building, with a reinforced wooden door and well-made wooden furniture. It contains piles of scrolls and books on the counter and along the walls and a large hot forge in the middle of the shop. The basement connects to the sewers and is used for smuggling. Map Specials: Elven Chain (dmg 168) (3,623 gp) Shield, +2 (dmg 200) (5,729 gp) Half Plate (phb 145) (693 gp)
  Other Patrons: Jocelyn Ramsay, Male Human [Details] Trym Soames, Male Human [Details] Kyle Riley, Male Human [Details] William Harley, Male Human [Details] Alchemist: The Unicorn's Branch Owner: Mary Hadley, Female Human [Details]
  Location: In a temple ward. The street outside has drunken revelers. Description: The alchemist is a timber and brick two-storey building, with a red tile roof and shiny hardwood floors. It contains cobwebs in the corners and a massive glass orb full of a green liquid. A wandering band is playing right outside. Map Specials: Potion of Flying (dmg 187) (493 gp) Potion of Greater Healing (dmg 187) (150 gp) Potion of Poison (dmg 188) (97 gp)
  Other Patrons: Robert Palomarez, Male Human [Details] Sybil Birkenhead, Female Human [Details] Eleanor Dayton, Female Human [Details] Jeweler: Melissa's Eye Owner: Melissa Shelly, Female Human [Details]
  Location: In a side street near the town gate. The street outside is covered in fallen leaves. Description: The jeweler is a plaster and wood framed two-storey building, with a blue tile roof and shuttered windows. A cat serves as a mascot and greets customers. It contains antique cabinets filled with oddities and a large well-used grindstone. Map Specials: Ring of the Ram (dmg 193) (4,753 gp) Exquisite Ring (3 gp) Crystal Arcane Focus (phb 151) (10 gp)
  Other Patrons: Millicent Windsor, Female Human [Details] Gerald Beitz, Male Human [Details] Mary Dryden, Female Human [Details] Juliana Ramsey, Female Human [Details] Enchanter: Fate and Secrets Owner: Joan Kendal, Female Human [Details]
  Location: In a temple ward. The street outside has a weird smell and has a fortune teller. Description: The enchanter is a stone-walled rowhouse, with a red tile roof and tile flooring. It contains a suit of armor on the back wall and a horned skull with a crystal ball embedded on it. Map Specials: Goggles of Night (dmg 172) (1,481 gp) Broom of Flying (dmg 156) (7,767 gp) Iron Bands of Bilarro (dmg 177) (3,952 gp)
  Other Patrons: Randal Roscoe, Male Human [Details] Yvonne Fawcett, Female Human [Details] Eva Livingstone, Female Human [Details] Emma Atherton, Female Human [Details] General Store: The Crate and Cabinet Owner: Ella Sutton, Female Human [Details]
  Location: In a well-lit avenue with guard towers. The street outside ominously quiet and empty and has a beggar harassing passers-by. Description: The general store is a plaster rowhouse, with a white tile roof and a large cellar. Several battered shields hang on the walls. It contains a number of small braziers and jars of bulk candy on the counter. Map Specials: Mirror, Steel (phb 150) (5 gp) Potter's Tools (phb 154) (10 gp) Mason's Tools (phb 154) (10 gp)
  Other Patrons: Kody Halsey, Male Human [Details] Anne Adley, Female Human [Details] Anthony Kendal, Male Human [Details] Guy Gracey, Male Human [Details] Jane Holton, Female Human [Details] Housing Small Cottage Owner: Adam Kent, Male Human [Details] Map
  The house is a stone-walled and sprawling single storey building, with a white tile roof and vines covering the walls and roof. It contains a single bachelor-style room with a bed and chest, along with a dresser on the far wall. In one corner is small firepit with a flickering flame. A couple cattle have taken over half the space in a makeshift stable. Cruck House Owner: Hadwisa Jacobs, Female Human [Details] Map
  The house is a adobe two-storey building, with a brown tile roof and a smooth stone floor. It contains 5 rooms total with 2 bedrooms, each containing a dresser. The kitchen has a brick hearth with simple cooking pot. Outside is a small garden of herbs.