Fence and House Painters

We'll paint your house like a fence!
  Kimberly Goodbrush Female lightfoot halfling painter
  A quaint establishment offering painting services for homes. They also run a back store as a local fence. The name says is all but people are genuinely disappointed if they came here looking for an actual fence painter.
  Appearance. Kimberly is wearing a paint-covered smock. She has light skin and brown eyes. Her curly white hair is tied up in a bun. She is 186 years old (elderly), 3 ft, 0 in (91 cm) tall, and weighs 40 lbs (18 kg).
  Personality. She seems to intentionally provoke the gods with her blasphemy. She believes it is important to be fun-loving and daring. She believes one should live fast and die young. She is a devout follower of the goddess of undeath and creativity, and her alignment is chaotic evil (CE).
  Adventure Hook. Her friend is having a little get-together this evening. The more, the merrier!
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