Fionn Aldurblud

father is Marcas Aldurblud
  Fionn Aldurblud is the son of Marcas Aldurblud, and the newest scion of the Aldurblud Clan. He is a tall, broad-shouldered man with piercing blue eyes and long, flowing red hair that he often keeps tied back in a warrior's knot. Fionn was raised from a young age to be a warrior, and he has honed his skills with the sword and the bow over many long years of training.
  Fionn has a keen mind and a deep love of learning. He is a scholar as well as a warrior, and he spends many hours poring over ancient tomes and maps in his family's library. Fionn is deeply devoted to his clan and to the Northern lands that they call home, and he will stop at nothing to protect them from harm.
  Fionn is fiercely independent and deeply honorable, and he will never betray a friend or ally. He is known to be somewhat aloof and distant at times, but those who earn his trust and respect will find a steadfast and loyal ally in him.
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