Marcas Aldurblud

father is Micheil Aldurblud
  Marcas Aldurblud is a tall, broad-shouldered man with short, curly black hair and a well-groomed beard. He inherited his family's striking blue eyes, which seem to glint with intelligence and shrewdness. Marcas is a charismatic and ambitious man, with a gift for diplomacy and a talent for leadership. He has a strong sense of duty to his family and clan, and he takes great pride in his heritage.
  Marcas has already distinguished himself as a skilled warrior and commander, having fought in several battles and skirmishes in defense of the north. He is a master strategist and tactician, with a sharp mind for military affairs. However, he is also known for his cunning and guile, and some whisper that he is not above using less-than-honorable means to achieve his goals.
  In addition to his military prowess, Marcas is also a shrewd businessman, with a talent for trade and commerce. He has helped to expand the Aldurblud clan's wealth and influence, forging alliances and partnerships with other powerful families throughout the north.
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