
Biological parent of Edgar Angstrom
  married to Valdemar Angstrom
  born to Erwyn Windslayer and Lyndrot Aldurblud
  With platinum hair and striking blue eyes reminiscent of a stormy northern sea, Liandra Aldurblood exudes an aura of quiet authority. Though she carries herself with the grace befitting her noble lineage, her palms tell a different story — calloused from hours of wielding both pen and sword. Fiercely protective of her family's legacy, she possesses an innate strategic mind that has often been sought after in times of political unrest. She's been known to have a fondness for falconry, often seen with her trusted hawk, Freya, perched upon her shoulder. Her laughter, a rare but heartwarming sound, often draws people to her. Her marriage to Valdemar Angstrom was one of both love and strategy, strengthening the bond between two powerful families.
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